Single Building Admin View | MTSS Dashboard

We need to provide a way for a single building Admin to view assessments for the whole building they oversee and also be able to drill down to the classroom and student level to view specific information.



User Story

As a building level admin user I need to see an overall picture of my building’s strengths and needs so that I can effectively lead the staff towards implementation of the most appropriate MTSS Supports for our students.


  • Will the default view be the list of classrooms or is there some other screen before it?

(Default view for Admin)


Acceptance Criteria:

User Story:

As a building level admin overseeing multiple classrooms within my building I need to view data in different ways and drill down from an overview of the entire school to an individual student so that I can see both the larger picture and the details of our assessment data.






Acceptance Criteria:

Grouping Drop Down