Teachers Tab | Assignments


The Teacher Assignments Overview feature is an enhancement to the current Assignments page in the RethinkEd platform. This feature will offer an improved interface and functionality for admin to monitor and review the assignment completion status of content assigned by team members.




Epic 193776: Manage Assignment

User Story

As an admin, I want to be able to filter and search for team members by name easily so that I can analyze which assignments the team members are assigning, and which students are being assigned the content.

UI Description

  1. Assignments Page > Teacher Tab: Located at the top, highlighting the 'Teacher' tab to show the current view.

  2. Search Bar: Positioned at the top of the teacher list to search by team member/teacher names.

  3. Teacher Table List:

    • Teacher Name Column: Displays the full name of the team member/teacher.

    • Number of Students: Shows the number of students with assignments from the specific team member/teacher.

    • Assignment Status Columns: Displays the count of assignments that are Complete, For Review, In Progress, and Not Started by the students.

    • Each count is a hyperlink that navigates to the Individual Teacher View on the Content tab.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Region, Building, and Classroom Dropdown Menus: The Region, Building, and Classroom dropdown menus will display to Admin Users in the Manage Assignments > Assignments screens. The Classroom dropdown menu will display to Educator Users in the Manage Assignments > Assignments screens. The classroom dropdown menu will default to ‘All Classrooms’ for both admin and educators users.

  2. Teachers Tab: The Teachers tab in Manage Assignments is only displayed to Admin Roles.

  3. Searching: When a user enters text in the search bar, the table list should dynamically update to show matching results.

  4. Navigation Links:

    • Clicking on Team Member/Teacher name in Teacher column navigates user to specific Teacher page view.

    • Clicking on any count in the assignment status columns will take the user to the corresponding filtered view of the Individual Student page.

  5. Validation: Invalid searches should return a user-friendly error message.

Workflow Description

  1. Accessing the Page: The user selects the 'Assignments' page and then the 'Teachers' sub-tab.

  2. Searching for Teachers:

    • The user can type a team member/teacher name in the search bar.

    • As the user types, the table filters the results in real-time.

  3. Reviewing Assignment Status:

    • The user reviews the counts in the status columns for each team member/teacher.

    • Clicking on a count takes the user to the Individual Student view, with a list of assignments that match the selected status.