Global Integrations: Assessment List


A page for internal RethinkEd staff to:

  • view

  • search

  • sort

  • edit

existing Integrated Assessment or create new Integrated Assessments.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Search Integrated Assessment

  • Sort Integrated Assessments

  • Edit existing Integrated Assessments

  • Add New Integrated Assessments

Figma Link

Epic Link

Workflow Description

  1. Searching for existing Integrations

  2. Entering new Integrations.

  3. Editing existing Integrations.


Key aspects of Global Integrations: Assessment list include:

Assessment List Page ( ): This interface serves as the central hub for all integrations that have been uploaded to the platform. It features advanced search by Assessment Name. The filters are by Company Name and Subject (Attendance, Behavior, ELA, Math) and are also advanced search so the desired Integration can quickly be found. The page displays an alphabetical table listing by Assessment Name for each Integration along with headings that include: Assessment Name, Company, Subject, and Description. Management actions like Adding or Editing are directly from the interface.

Add/Edit Integration ( ): Dedicated to the accurate collection and management of Assessment Integrations, this page provides an Add Assessment button which opens an Add Assessment Modal where user can enter new Integrated Assessments for Attendance, Behavior, ELA and Math. Users can also edit existing Integrated Assessments by clicking on the selected row to open the Edit Assessment Modal. Once saved, the new or edited Integrated Assessment becomes part of the alphabetical list by Assessment Name on the page.

These components of the Global Integrations: Assessment List are instrumental in maintaining a well-organized repository of Integrated Assessments and facilitates seamless search and creation of Integrations for our internal staff.