Tracking | Self- Monitoring | Behavior Supports

We need to create a self-monitoring tool so student(s) can track their behavior for three types of measurement tools including: checklist, rating scale, and interval. The tool will include functionality to print the self-monitoring tracker, enter data during and after the self-monitoring session and edit previous responses. Student facing supports include displays with image and text and/or text alone for both younger students and older students. Teachers will also be able to enter data on the student(s) behalf.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher who does not have access to to technology everyday, I need to print paper self-monitoring tool(s) so that my student(s) can monitor their behavior as it occurs and I can add their responses into the computer at a later time.

  • As a special education teacher with multi-age multi-level students in my caseload, I need student facing self-monitoring tools that have the option of including images and text or text only so that I can create self-monitoring tools that students will understand.

  • As a student who has several self-monitoring tools used in different subject areas, I need an easy way to navigate to the correct tool so that I can monitor my own behavior and maybe earn rewards!

  • As a student who doesn’t always have access to a computer during class, I need an easy way to enter my self-monitoring data on the computer later so that I will be able to do what my teacher(s) ask of me.

  • As a student who has reading difficulties, I need a self-monitoring tool that includes pictures and minimal words so that I will understand how to self-monitor.

  • As a student who needs reminders to help me be successful, I need a self-monitoring tool that shows me my goals before I begin to self-monitor so that I can be ready.

  • As a student who forgot to enter self-monitoring data for my interval tracker, I need to specify the data and enter my data for the first time so that I will have it included for my records.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the student clicks on Goal Zone and has a current Self-Monitoring tool or Contract, the behavior goal(s) will appear at the top with both images and text.

  • Given the user selected text and image from the create a tool for checklist, rating scale or interval, the student facing self monitoring tool contains text and image for each behavior and response selection.

  • Given the user selected text only from the create a tool for checklist, rating scale or interval, the student facing self monitoring tool contains text only for each behavior and response selection.

  • Given the student has a current self-monitoring tool, the Fix My Monitoring drop down contains all the back dates with locations/activities for all previous entries and/or missed entries.

  • Given the student selects a back date with location/activity within the Fix My Monitoring drop down, they are taken to the self-monitoring log screen.

  • Given the user selects responses of Yes, At Times, No, they may toggle between responses.

  • Given the user selects Done, the Great Job Pop-up appears.

  • Given the user selects Close form the Great Job Pop-up, the user is taken to the See you next time robot page.

  • Given the user selects Go Back, they are taken to the previous screen.

  • Given the user is recording self-monitoring data with the interval setting, the start button will start the timer and the pause button will pause the timer.

  • Given the user selects a date and a location/activity from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring, the selection takes the user to the saved screen for previously recorded data.

  • Given the user edits their self-monitoring tool and selects the Done button, the student(s) new updates are saved.

  • Given the user is editing their interval self-monitoring tool , the drop down field for interval contains all the saved data for each interval labeled as Interval 1, Interval 2, etc.

  • Given the user selects interval 1, they are shown interval 1 saved responses, etc.

  • Given a student forgot to enter interval data on their self-monitoring tracker, a drop down calendar can change the date and take the student to an unedited copy of their tracker.

  • This is where we list the acceptance criteria. Keep a bulleted list



Section One: Selecting Self-Monitoring Tool (Younger Student)


  • Student selects Goal Zone from the top navigation

  • Student selects Self Monitoring from the Goal Zone home screen to advance to the next screen to select their location for real time self-monitoring.

  • To edit self monitoring that was completed previously, the user selects Fix Self-Monitoring and picks from the drop down arrow for the date and location.

  • To complete self-monitoring that was from a previous date or time, the user selects Fix-Monitoring and picks from the drop down arrow for the date and location.

  • Select Contract allows the student to view a current contract if they have one.


  • To select their location, the student answers the question by clicking on the image or text.


  • Selected image shows green frame and selecting Done takes the user to the self-monitoring screen.


Business Rules:

  • We will create an additional section in the student area and title it Goal Zone (this name could be changed)

  • Goal Zone houses both Self-Monitoring and Contracts.

  • If a student has active self-monitoring and/or behavior contracts, then images for self-Monitoring and/or Contracts will show on this screen.

    • If the student has only an active self-monitoring tool and not a contract, then only the self-monitoring image will appear on this screen

    • If the student has only an active behavior contract and not an active self-monitoring tool, then only the contract image will appear on this screen.

    • If the student does not have any current behavior contracts or self-monitoring tools, then Goal Zone will not be available to them.

    • Student(s) may have multiple self-monitoring tools.

  • The Goal Zone home screen contains active behavior goals with images for self-monitoring and/or contracts that are taken from the create a tool for self-monitoring and/or create a behavior contract.

  • Selecting Contracts takes the user to the View Contract Screen.

  • Selecting location works as a toggle.

  • Selecting Done takes the user to the self-monitoring screen.



Section Two: Start Monitoring Checklist, Rating Scale, Interval (Younger Student)

UI: Checklist User Flow

  • Users select Yes by clicking on the Yes text or Yes image.

  • Users select No by clicking on the No text or No image.

  • User clicks Done to submit their self-monitoring.

  • User selects Close from the pop-up.


UI: Rating Scale User Flow

  • Student rates their performance on each of the behaviors by selecting No, At Times, or Yes.

  • Users may toggle between responses.

  • Selecting Done or the arrow triggers the Great job pop-up and dims the the Done.

  • Selecting Close from the Great job pop-up, brings the user to the See you next time robot.

UI: Interval User Flow

  • Users select Start to begin the timer for self-monitoring.

  • While timer is running, users may select pause to Pause the timer and Start to resume the timer.


  • When the interval is complete, the user is prompted to answer the questions about their behavior.

  • User selects responses by clicking on Yes image/ yes text or No image/no text.

  • Selecting Save will save this response and open the review screen.

  • (Not sure how we get to final screen.)


Business Rules

  • Depending on the monitoring tool selected from the Create a Tool screen for self-monitoring, one of three user flows will occur. They include: checklist, Rating Scale and Interval.


  • Checklist is written in top left along with date and the location and/or activity.

  • Behavior goal Image(s) and/or question prompt(s) are taken from the entry fields on the Create a Tool screen and placed in this screen for the student.

    • Only two behavior goals may be shown at a time.

    • If the student has more than two behavior goals, additional screen(s) will show with the additional behavior goals. (Not built yet)

    • The student must answer all of the questions for Done to become active.

  • Checklist can contain either text and images or just text depending on the set up selections from the Create a tool screen.

  • Selection of Yes or No works as a toggle.

  • Selecting Reset restores the slide to its beginning state and is active until the student selects Done.

  • Selecting Done dims the Done and triggers the Great Job Pop-up and the orange robot in the left side with Great work today message.

  • Selecting Close from the Pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot slide. (Is it possible to animate the robot?)


Rating Scale:

  • Rating Scale is written in the top left along with the location and/or activity.

  • Behavior goal Image(s) and/or question prompt(s) are taken from the entry fields on the Create a Tool screen and placed in this screen for the student.

    • Only two behavior goals may be shown at a time.

    • If the student has more than two behavior goals, additional screen(s) will show with the additional behavior goals. (Not built yet)

    • The student must answer all of the questions for Done to become active.

  • Rating Scale contains either text and images or just text depending on the set-up selections from the Create a tool screen.

  • Selections of No, At times, Yes work as a toggle.

  • Selecting Reset restores the slide to its beginning state and is active until the student selects Done.

  • Selecting Done dims the Done and triggers the Great Job Pop-up and the orange robot in the left side with Great work today message.

  • Selecting Close from the Pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot slide. (Is it possible to animate the robot?)


Interval Scale:

  • Interval is written in the top left along with the location and/or activity.

  • Behavior goal Image(s) and/or question prompt(s) are taken from the entry fields on the Create a Tool screen and placed in this screen for the student.

    • Only two behavior goals may be shown at a time.

    • If the student has more than two behavior goals, additional screen(s) will show with the additional behavior goals. (Not built yet)

    • The student must answer all of the questions for Done to become active.

  • Interval contains either text and images or just text depending on the set-up selections from the Create a tool screen.

  • The time for each interval is selected from the Create a tool.

    • When the timer count down reaches 0 for each interval, the orange robot with the message “It’s time to check in.” and the question prompt(s) with self-assessment choices are shown to the student.

    • If the student does not self-assess at the interval(s), the timer will resume counting down for the next interval after (not sure how much time?)

  • Selections of No, Yes work as a toggle.

  • Selecting Reset restores the slide to its beginning state and is active until the student selects Done.

  • Interval Timer operation:

    • When user selects Start, the timer counts down for each interval check in.

    • While the timer is running, the start button changes to a Pause button.

      • Selecting pause will pause the timer.

      • While the timer is paused, it returns to a start button.

      • When the user selects Start, the timer resumes counting the time.

  • When the final interval is saved, the orange robot returns to say “Great job today. Let’s see how you did.” with a review screen to summarize the responses the user selected.

  • (Suggestion: After 20 seconds the pop-up for “Great job! Your work is saved.” could appear so student can select Close and the See you next time robot appears. ---Not sure how we get to the See you next time robot.) (Is it possible to animate the robot?)


Section Three: Viewing/Editing Past Data (Younger Students)


  • To view or edit past data, the user selects the drop down from the Fix Self-Monitoring field to find the date and location/activity to view or edit.

UI: User Flow for view/edit past data for Checklist

  • Selecting from drop down takes the user to the saved checklist self-monitoring with the items the user chose circled in green.

  • User edits the checklist by selecting the updates and then selecting done.

  • Selecting Done triggers the message pop-up for great job and the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close brings the user to the See you next time robot.

UI: User Flow for view/edit past data for Rating Scale

  • Selecting from drop down takes the user to the saved rating scale for self-monitoring with the items the user chose circled in green.

  • User edits the rating scale by selecting the updates and then selecting done.

  • Selecting Done triggers the message pop-up for great job and the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close brings the user to the See you next time robot.

UI: User Flow for view/edit past data for Interval

  • Selecting from drop down takes the user to the saved interval for self-monitoring with the items the user chose circled in green.

  • User edits the interval by selecting the updates and then selecting done.

  • Selecting Done triggers the message pop-up for great job and the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close brings the user to the See you next time robot.




Business Rules

  • Editing can be done up to one week past the date for real-time entries by selecting from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring and selecting the date/location desired.

    • Drop down selections contain only entries that are within the past 7 days.

    • If a student does not enter past data within one week then the data cannot be entered by the student.

  • Entering self-monitoring data at a later date or time is accomplished by selecting from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring and selecting the date/location desired.

  • The drop down selection takes the user to their saved data for self-monitoring for the selected date and location/activity which includes the corresponding measurement tool selected from the Create the tool.

Editing Checklist

  • Checklist saved screens include the label Checklist in left top corner along with the date and location/activity that has been saved.

  • Saved Checklist includes the word Saved in the center top.

  • Student saved selections are circled in green.

  • Cursor movement to edit triggers a blue box to indicate to the user the items they are about to edit.

  • Users can toggle between answer selections in the saved/edit screen.

  • Selecting Done finalizes the student’s response and triggers the Great job pop-up with the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close from the pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot.


Editing Scale

  • Rating Scale saved screens includes the label Rating Scale in left top corner along with the date and location/activity that has been saved.

  • Saved Rating Scale includes the word Saved in the center top.

  • Student saved selections are circled in green.

  • Cursor movements edit triggers a blue box to indicate to the user the items they are about to edit.

  • Users can toggle between answer selections in the saved/edit screen.

  • Selecting Done finalizes the student’s response and triggers the Great job pop-up with the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close from the pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot.


Editing Interval

  • Interval saved screens includes the label interval in left top corner along with the date and location/activity that has been saved.

  • Interval screen contains a drop down in the top that is populated with each of the intervals that have been saved and is labeled as Interval 1, Interval 2, etc.

  • Selecting each of the intervals shows the user their saved responses for that respective interval.

  • Saved interval includes the word Saved in the center top.

  • Student saved selections are circled in green.

  • Cursor movements edit triggers a blue box to indicate to the user the items they are about to edit.

  • Users can toggle between answer selections in the saved/edit screen.

  • Selecting Done finalizes the student’s response and triggers the Great job pop-up with the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close from the pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot.

UI: User Flow for start monitoring Interval enter after date has passed


  • Users selects the calendar from the drop down date field to enter a past date and enters self-monitoring data.

  • from Text goes here

Business Rules

  • (Need to build for Checklist and Scale.)

  • When user selects the drop down arrow in the date field, the calendar feature enables the user to select a date for self-monitoring.

    • Past dates selections can only be within one week.

    • If the user selects a date that is more than one week past, (what happens?)

    • (should there be a drop down for date?)

Section Five: Teacher Records Monitoring as Teacher or on behalf of a Student


  • User can enter Logged Monitoring through three dashboards (Behavior, Student, Classroom) at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Levels to enter self monitoring data on behalf of the student.

From Behavior:

  • User selects Tier 2 or Tier 3.

  • User selects View Monitoring from the Self-Monitoring Card.

  • If the user is a role 5, 6, 7, pop-ups guide the user to the desired region, building, classroom for the Behavior Dashboard and the Student Dashboard. Users enter specifics for classroom, building, region to get to the Logged Monitoring feature.


  • Users views default view with tab selection option for Students with tools and selects Logged Monitoring.


  • To log monitoring on behalf of the student, the user selects the Record monitoring link and is taken to the teacher logs monitoring on behalf of student page.

  • User selects view to ?

Business Rules

  • User can enter Logged Monitoring through three dashboards (Behavior, Student, Classroom) at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Levels to enter self monitoring data on behalf of the student.

  • If the user is a Role (5, 6, 7) ? , pop-ups will guide the user to the desired region, building, classroom where user must enter specifics for region, building, classroom to reach Logged Monitoring within the Classroom Dashboard.

  • Default view for View Monitoring is the Students with Tools tab.

    • Students with Tools tab has an option to Create new tool which when selected takes the user to the Create new tool screen.

    • Selecting View button takes the user to ( chart in classrooms for student? student dashboard?)

    • Students with Tools tab contains a Load More button which when selected by the user will add (4 more ?) students to the list.

      • Load more appears only when there are more students to load.

      • Load more will not appear if there are no more student to load.

  • If user selects Logged Monitoring (Should this include if the student did not monitor themselves to lead us to the need for a teacher to monitor on behalf of the student?) from the tab, the Logged Monitoring screen appears.

  • If user selects view from the Logged Monitoring tab, the user is taken to ?

  • If user selects Record Monitoring Link from the Logged Monitoring tab they are taken to the teacher logs monitoring on behalf of student.