
Important and still present: Student Dashboard: Math Tab: Intervention Plan

We only show the most recent Intervention Plan on the content tab. If other Intervention Plans preceded it, they are replaced with the most recent. The image shown should only have the last one showing for student: Ella Adams on the RethinkMTSS demo account. A related image from the Student Dashboard Intervention Plans Tab shows the history.


(Student Dashboard: Math Tab)


(Student Dashboard: Intervention Plans)


Important: Behavior looks corrected, SEL does not. Student Dashboard: Behavior and SEL Tabs: Intervention Plans

Behavior Intervention Plans and SEL Intervention Plans created within the 2024-2025 School year are not coming over to the tabs in the RethinkMTSS Demo account.




Still showing, but not a priority Student Dashboard Attendance Tab

Please remove “Tardy” from the title for the graph.



No way to assess Student Dashboard: Attendance Tab (Percentage Based Method prior to 20 school days)

If the number of school days is less than 20, then the Tier Pending screen should show within the Student Dashboard: Attendance Tab for both Tardy and Absences. This is for the Percentage Based Attendance Method only.

Question: Would we need some message in the District Reports (PowerBI) to capture school districts who select Percentage Based and are viewing their Attendance Data prior to the 20 school days where Tiers are first calculated?

Suggest the same message as is used below for PowerBI: Tier Requirements for Attendance require 4 weeks of data.




Not completed and not a priority Student Dashboard: Attendance Tab- Order of Drop Down Contents

The order of the drop down should be:

  • Absences

  • Tardies

The default shown to the User upon entry to the page is: Absences.

From the original design:



This is a bigger project and needs prioritized. Attendance Tabs: Student and Classroom Dashboard

The Student Dashboard Attendance Tab and the Classroom Dashboard Attendance Tab do not show the same percentages for Absences and Tardies. They should match. (Anton mentioned this is probably a feature request)




Still present and a priority to fix. Attendance Dashboard: Changing School Years

When changing from the school year ending in 2024 to the school year ending in 2025 within the Student Dashboard Attendance Tab, the Tier Boxes don’t update the data to match the the graph and chart below.




Still Present and a moderate priority to fix Admin Settings: Attendance Tab (RethinkMTSS Demo Account)

User story: As an internal User (Sales/Professional Services) who needs to ensure successful implementation of our MTSS Dashboard product I need to see the two options for collecting Attendance Data within the Demo account so that I can guide our District Partners in making decisions that work best for their goals.




Still present and a priority to fix. Keep Tier Indicator Symbols from Previous Years

Please show the At Risk and Approaching Indicators from previous years within the Classroom and Student Dashboards for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance. Include both the Overview pages and the selected tab pages for all.

User Story: As a Teacher or Admin who is evaluating students' past performance, I need to see the At Risk and Approaching indicators from previous years so that I will have a complete picture of the students' long range growth.

Example student from RethinkMTSS Demo: Victoria Flores




Looks fixed. Classroom Dashboard: SEL Tab SY ending 2024

The word “None” appears several time for student Lily Davis within the Classroom Dashboard SEL Tab for the SY ending 2024 in Classroom 3rd Grade Section 1 from the RethinkMTSS Demo account. It should not be there at all since an Intervention Plan is in place.



Still Needs fixed Beta Symbol in Classroom Dashboard

Please remove the beta symbol from the Classroom Dashboard.




Still Needs fixed PowerBI 2024-2025 School Year Drop Down

With the change in the school year, the default setting when the User enters the MTSS District Reports is to show the 2024-2025 School year. The RethinkEd demo account shows the 2023-2024 School year.