Individual Student View | Assignments


The Individual Student Assignment Management feature is designed to give educators a detailed view of assignments for each student. The feature allows educators to manage assignments effectively by reassigning, reviewing, or unassigning them as necessary.



Epic 193776: Manage Assignment

User Story

As a teacher, I need to be able to view and manage all the assignments for a specific student so that I can track their progress, provide feedback, and make necessary adjustments to their assignments promptly.

UI Description

  1. Page Header: Displays the student's name and grade.

  2. Filters:

    • Subject: SEL, Mental Health

    • Type: Video, Quiz, Resource, Interactive

      • ‘Resource’ displays in the column for a PDF instead of ‘PDF’

      • ‘Interactive’ displays in type column for an Interactive Worksheet.

    • Status: Complete, For Review, Not Started, In-Progress

    • Last Assigned By: List of All Team Members that have last assigned an assignment.

      • “Inactive Teacher” will display if the teacher has left the school.

    • Assigner Role:

      • User is able to filter by ‘Assigner Role’ to refine the table list to the filter value selected.

      • Default is all assigner roles in view: Student Self-Assigned, Teacher Assigned, and Admin Assigned

        • Filter Selection:

        • Student Self-Assigned Only

        • Teacher Assigned Only

  3. Assignment List: A table format that lists the student's assignments with the following columns:

    • Date Range

    • Assigned Content: Title

    • Type: Quiz, Video, Interactive, Resource

    • Language

    • Subject

    • Status: Complete, For Review, Not Started, In-Progress

    • Assigned By:

      • Name of Teacher who assigned the assignment

      • If an admin is viewing, the teacher name is a link that navigates to the individual teacher page.

    • Action: Reassign, Review, Unassign

  4. Action Buttons: Corresponding to each assignment, which includes:

    • Reassign (opens assign modal)

    • View (opens Review modal with ‘Reviewed’ button selected)

    • Review (opens review modal)

    • Unassign (opens unassign modal)

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Building and Classroom Dropdown Menus: Building and Classroom dropdown menus will be disabled at the Individual Student View. The Building the student is assigned to will display to the admin user. The Classroom dropdown menu will display ‘All Classrooms’ disabled. The user selects or hovers over the question mark to reveal the tool tip: ‘Classroom selection is disabled for student view’

  2. Action Modals: Each action (Reassign, View, Review, Unassign) should open its respective modal window.

    • Reassign and View action buttons display for a completed assignment status

    • Review action button displays on a ‘For Review’ assignment status

    • ‘Unassign’ action button displays on a ‘Not Started’ or ‘In-Progress’ assignment status.

  3. Searching and Sorting: Users should be able to search and sort assignments based on the columns provided.

  4. Admin Only Permission:

    • Only Admin users will be able to click on a Teacher name in the Last Assigned by column to view the assignment details that the teacher has assigned.

    • The Teacher tab and teacher links will be hidden for all other roles.

  5. Validation: Input and actions should be validated to ensure data integrity and prevent unauthorized changes. For example, confirm prompts for unassign actions to prevent accidental changes.

Workflow Description

  1. Accessing Individual View:

    • From the Assignments page, Student Tab or Item page, the teacher clicks on a student's assignment status link or student name.

    • This opens the individual student view, populated with the student's assignments.

  2. Assignment Interaction:

    • Teachers can view the full list of assignments.

    • Searching can be performed to filter the list.

    • Sorting can be done on each column header to organize the view.

  3. Managing Assignments:

    • To reassign, the teacher clicks the 'Reassign' button, which opens a modal where they can select a new assignment or date.

    • Clicking 'Review' opens a modal showing the assignment's details for the teacher to provide feedback or a grade.

    • The 'Unassign' button opens modal to unassign content.

  4. Feedback Loop:

    • After completing an action (Reassign, Review, Unassign), the teacher is brought back to the individual view, which is updated to reflect the changes.