Interactive Worksheet | Item | Activity Content Tab


These are requirements for an educational content authoring tool that allows users to create a variety of question types for educational activities. The focus is on the user interface, interaction flow, and validation process necessary for creating Multiple Choice items.


UI Description

  1. Main Interface:

    • A central workspace where item authoring occurs, featuring a clear and uncluttered layout to promote focus and ease of use.

  2. Item Creation Button:

    • A prominent plus button allows users to initiate the creation of new items.

  3. Item Type:

    • Description: Upon selecting to create a new item, a dropdown menu appears, offering a selection of item types.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: Dropdown Menu

    • Dropdown values (single-select):

      • Multiple Choice

      • Interactive Worksheet

  4. Interactive Worksheet

    • The Interactive Worksheet item will copy the functionality from Jrich, maintaining the same user experience and flow that currently exist.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Creating an Item:

    • Users begin by clicking the plus button and choosing "Item" from the presented options.

  • Selecting Item Type:

    • From the dropdown menu, users select the desired item type, triggering the UI to update with relevant input fields.

  • Saving Items:

    • A "Save" button commits the created item to the activity and the data base.

Workflow Description

  1. Initiate Item Creation:

    • The user clicks the plus button and selects "Item" to start the authoring process.

  2. Select Item Type:

    • The user chooses an item type from the dropdown menu, which updates the UI to display appropriate input fields for the selected item type.

  3. Enter Item Details:

    • Depending on the item type, the user creates an interactive worksheet using the editor abilities.

  4. Finalization:

    • Upon entering all necessary information and passing validation checks, the user clicks "Save" to add the item to the activity. For items with optional explanations, inputting text is at the user's discretion.