Collecting Maintenance Data on the Rethink Website.

Maintenance data can be entered via the Data Entry tab in a Client’s Profile on the Rethink website.

Please note, all skill acquisition data collection types have a maintenance option.

Data Collection Type

Maintenance Data Collection View on the Website 

Good to Know

Data Collection Type

Maintenance Data Collection View on the Website 

Good to Know

Opportunity based (with or without prompts)

Data on teaching and maintenance targets can be collected simultaneously for all data collection types.

Task Analysis (with or without prompts)

All TA's and chains are available with maintenance data collection.

Once the chain has been mastered in teaching/intervention, the entire chain moves to maintenance.

For task analysis, since it looks very similar to teaching/intervention.  The program name now has the label "In Maintenance".





Mastering a target and moving from intervention to maintenance



Good to Know



Good to Know

Mastering a target and moving from intervention to maintenance

If maintenance is checked off in the client program area, it will automatically move to maintenance data collection once it has been mastered in intervention

The target that was mastered will now show up as a maintenance target in the drop down menu.


  • Both teaching and maintenance data can also be collected simultaneously.

Entering maintenance data with and without objectives



Good to Know



Good to Know

Goals with objectives

When recording maintenance data with goals and objectives, when objective 1 is mastered and objective 2 has started, maintenance targets from objective 1 are still available for data collection.  

  • When mastering the last objective, you will not be able to continue recording maintenance data until a new objective is added.

  • If you master the last objective, targets will be closed from maintenance. 

Goals without objectives

  • All targets are available for maintenance data collection once they have been mastered in teaching/intervention.