Service Replay Pop-Up | Log Rocket

We need to create a Pop-up that prompts Users to enable Log Rocket.

User Stories:

  • As a existing User of the Education Platform, I need a pop up message alerting me to a new feature on my profile page so that I can have video re-creation of my interactions that shows the customer support team any potential issue I may have with using the platform.

  • As a new User to the Education Platform, I need a way to enable Log Rocket technology from my profile page so that I can have video re-creation of my interactions that shows the customer support team any potential issue I may have with using the platform.

  • As a User on the Education Platform, I need a way to select my preference for Service Replay from the Pop-up screen so that I can make my selection without having to go to my Profile screen.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a current user on the Education Platform, I will see the Service Replay pop-up when I first log into my account.

  • Given I am a new user setting and I did not make a selection for Log Rocket on my profile page, I will see the Service Replay pop-up when I first log into my account.



Section 1: Service Replay Pop-up


  • Pop-Up appears for User as they log into their account.

  • To add Service Replay to their account, Users select Yes.

  • To decline Service Replay and not at it to their account, User selects No thanks.

  • To open the Learn more slide, the User selects Learn More.

  • To close the pop-up without responding, the User selects X.

(Service Replay Pop-Up)


Business Rules:

Current Users

  • Current Users with access to the Education Platform will see the Pop-up immediately after logging into their account.

  • Current Users without access to the Education Platform will not see the Pop-up immediately after logging into their account.


Both Current and New Users:

Selecting Yes or No thanks from Pop-Up:

  • If the User selects Yes from the Pop-up, Service Replay is enabled on the User’s Account.

  • If the User selects Yes from the Pop-up, Service Replay preference is automatically updated on the Users Profile Page (see Profile Page for Yes selection).

  • If User selects No thanks from the Pop-up, Service Replay preference is left as the default setting on the Users Profile page. (See Profile Page for default setting.)

  • If the User does not select Yes from the Pop-up, Service Replay is not enabled on the User’s Account.

  • If the user does not select Yes to enable Service Replay for a platform, then that platform will not contain Service Replay.

  • Users may select and de-select Service Replay as much as they wish from the Profile Page. (See Profile Page).


Selecting Learn More from the Service Replay Pop-Up:

  • Selecting Learn More replaces the Service Replay Pop-Up with the Learn More Pop-Up.

  • Same Rules apply for Yes or No thanks and X (close) responses on the Learn More Pop-Up (Section 2) as does the Service Replay Pop-Up.


Selecting X (Close) from both Service Replay Pop-Up and Learn More Pop-Up

  • If User selects X from either Pop-Up screen, the Pop-Up disappears and the user is taken to the screen beneath the Pop-Up where all functionality on that screen is active.

  • Selecting X (close) is treated as a non-selection of preference for Service Replay and the User will see the Service Replay Pop-Up immediately after logging into their account on any subsequent log-ins until a preference selection is made.

  • Users can select X (close) from either Service Replay Pop-Up or Learn More Pop-Up as many times as they wish.


New Users:

  • New Users who have purchased the Education Platform will see the selection option for Service Replay on their Profile page. (See Profile Page)

  • If a new User who has purchased the Education Platform does not select Yes as a preference for Service Replay from their Profile Page during set-up, they will see the Service Replay Pop-up immediately after logging into their account on the second occurrence and any subsequent log-ins until such selection has been made (Yes or No thanks).

  • Once a selection preference for Service Play is made, the Pop-up will no longer appear.

  • Selection preference for Service Replay can be activated through either the Pop-up or the Profile Page (See Profile Page).



Section 2: Learn More Pop-Up


  • Selecting Learn More from the Service Replay Pop-Up takes the user to the Learn More Pop-Up.

  • To add Service Replay to their account, Users select Yes.

  • To decline Service Replay and not add it to their account, User selects No thanks.

  • To close the pop-up without responding, the User selects X.

  • To be taken to their Profile Page, the user clicks the link for Profile Page.

(Learn More screen)


Business Rules:

  • Learn More Pop-Up retains the same functionality as the Service Replay Pop-Up for:

    • Yes selection

    • No thanks selection

    • X (close) selection

  • Profile Page is a link that takes the User to their Profile Page. (See Profile Page).