Schoology: Common Cartridge and Downloading of assignment links


We need to add a download button in the lesson library so that Schoology users can download lesson content links and upload to Schoology. We also need to add a download button for the SEL Self-Assessments so that Schoology users can download the SEL Self-Assessments links and upload them Schoology.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher, I want to be able to easily access and upload lesson content and SEL Self-Assessments to Schoology for my students.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who has a Schoology integration, I will see the Print/ Download lessons button once I have selected a lesson from the Lesson Library.

  • Given I am a user who has a Schoology integration, I will see a new Download button on the SEL Self-Assessment card.


Lesson Library:

SEL Assessment:


 Lesson Library Download


  • Schoology users will see download as an option with print

  • Users can select any lesson with assignable content and select download from dropdown to download the entire lesson folder.

  • The links will then be downloaded to their computer in a lesson zipfile so that they can then upload them for students in the assignment section of Schoology.




SEL and Mental Health



Business Rules

  • The naming convention for Skills titles in Lesson Library in Schoology and downloaded folder will be Lesson Type, Domain, Area, and then lesson Name

  • The naming convention for SEL and Mental Health in Lesson Library in Schoology and downloaded folder will be Domain, Area, and then lesson Name

  • For SEL and Mental Health, videos, activities, and quizzes are assignable and therefore will have a link that can be downloaded within the lesson zipfile, uploaded, and assigned for students

  • For Skills, activities are assignable and therefore will have a link that can downloaded within the lesson zipfile, uploaded, and assigned for students

  • Print/Download Lessons will activate once one or more checkboxes are checked next to lesson content


SEL Self-Assessment Download


  • Schoology users will see a new download button below View Report button on the SEL Student Self-Assessment card in Assessments

  • Once the user clicks on the Download Schoology Links, they will see a popup to select between 1, 2 or all of the assessments

  • Once the student selects one or more of the assessments, they can click download and the links will then be downloaded to their computer so that they can then upload them for students in the assignment section of Schoology.

  • Each assessment will have its own link within each downloaded lesson folder.


Business Rules

  • The popup selection is multiselect

  • Download will activate once one or more checkboxes are checked next to the assessments

  • The naming convention for the downloaded folder will be SEL_Student_Selfassessment