Create BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan)

We need to make it easier for users to create a behavior plan. The behavior plan is an official document used collaboratively by a team to address significant behavior concerns for a given student. The plan details each specific behavior the student is engaging in, the assessed reason (function) for each behavior, the starting rate of each behavior, proactive strategies for each behavior, and reactive strategies for each behavior. The plan should also document when the BIP should be reviewed.


Name the Plan


  • The user will enter a name for the behavior plan

Business Rules

  • By default, we will name the plan Behavior Plan 1

  • There can only be one active Behavior Plan for a student at at time.

Add a Start Date


  • The user will select a start date for the plan

Business Rules

  • The start date will default to today’s date

  • Start date may be any date in the past or future

Add a Review Date


  • The user will select a date to review the plan

Business Rules

  • The review date will default to 30 days from start date

  • Review date must come after the start date

  • Review date cannot be in the past

Select Team Members


  • The user will select team members for the behavior plan team

  • Users should be able to type in a name if not in Rethink

Business Rules

  • No limit on number of users added to the team

  • Any user assigned to the student and any admin user will show

Add Behaviors to Decrease


  • The user will select which behaviors to include in the plan. If no behaviors have been created for a student, they will need to add at least 1 behavior.

Business Rules

  • Users need to be able to select multiple behaviors to include in the plan. The behaviors do not need to have the same data type to be included in the plan.

  • We will only show behaviors set to decrease

| Select a location for each behavior


  • For each behavior, the user will be asked “Where does this behavior occur?”

  • The user will select/enter a location

Business Rules

  • Default locations are:

    • Classroom

    • Hallway

    • Bus

    • Cafeteria

    • Playground

    • Gym

    • Community/Field Trip

  • We should allow multi-select and allow the user to type in their own location

| Select the Function for Each Behavior


  • Users will need to select the reason (function) for each behavior. They may already know this from a previous assessment. If they do not know the reason for the behavior, they will need to complete an ABC assessment.

  • If the user knows the function, they should select from one of the following options:

    • Get attention

    • Escape/Avoid

    • Get item/activity

    • Sensory

    • Other

  • If the user does not know the function, they should be prompted to complete an ABC assessment. Many users will not know what this means, and will need some guidance around how and why they are doing this.

Business Rules

  • Multiple functions may exist for each behavior. This is ok.

| Select Method for Progress Monitoring


  • Users will be asked “How will you monitor progress for this behavior?”

  • Users may select/check/slide from the options

    • Data Collection (and data type)

    • Self-Monitoring

    • Observation

Business Rules

  • Multiple options may be selected per behavior

  • If the user selects data collection, we will show the data types previously selected for the behavior.

| Confirm a Baseline for Each Behavior


  • At the same time a user assesses the function of each behavior, they should conduct a baseline on each behavior. This tells us what the starting point for the behavior is so we can determine if the behavior plan is effective.

  • Baseline data may already exist.

    • A district may have collected baseline data on a piece of paper prior to entering the behavior in Rethink. If so, they should be able to enter the baseline summary.

    • Alternatively, users may have already collected data on the Behavior while completing Tier 2 interventions. In other words, they have already entered a behavior and collected data for the behavior. If so, we can calculate the baseline of this behavior based on a start and end date.

  • If baseline data does not yet exist, a user will need to collect it. Again, they will need some guidance around how and why they are doing this.

Business Rules

  • If a behavior has more than 1 data type associated, we will need to show the baseline for each data type.

| Select Replacement Skills


  • Most teachers will not understand this term. We should guide them through this part. Perhaps:

    • A replacement skill is a skill that meets the same need as an inappropriate behavior, but in a more appropriate way. For example, if a student punches his teacher because he does not want to do his math work, we might teach him the replacement skill of requesting a break. This allows him to escape his math without hitting. What replacement skills would you like to teach your student?

      • Provide the selected functions

      • Provide suggested strategies (these exist in the Rethink library - we can provide the teaching materials)

      • Provide option to search for additional strategies from the Rethink library

      • Provide a place to enter a custom strategy

    • Are there any other proactive strategies you’d like to include in this plan?

Business Rules

| Select Adaptive Skills for Each Behavior


  • An adaptive skill teaches the student to engage in the desired behavior instead of the challenging behavior. For example, if a student punches his teacher because he does not want to do his math work, we might teach him to complete tasks. What adaptive skills would you like to teach your student?

    • Provide the selected functions

    • Provide suggested strategies (these exist in the Rethink library - we can provide the teaching materials)

    • Provide option to search for additional strategies from the Rethink library

    • Provide a place to enter a custom strategy

Business Rules

| Select Other Proactive Strategies


  • Are there any other proactive strategies you’d like to include in this plan?

  • The user will select from a list:

    • Decrease the Length of a Task

    • Give Clear Instructions

    • Non-Contingent Reinforcement (NCR)

    • Provide Choice

    • Provide Functional Communication Training (FCT)

    • Provide Reminders about Rules

    • Provide Scheduled Access to Attention

    • Provide Scheduled Access to Preferred Activities

    • Provide Scheduled Access to Preferred Items

    • Provide Scheduled Access to Sensory Activities

    • Provide Scheduled Breaks

    • Provide Visual Support

    • Review Behavior Rules

    • Set Clear Expectations

    • Simplify a Task

    • Use a Behavior Contract

    • Use a Visual Schedule

    • Use Behavioral Momentum

Business Rules

| Select Consequence (Reactive) Strategies for Each Target Behavior


  • What consequences will you implement if a student engages in this target behavior?

  • The user will select from a list:

    • If the function is escape/avoid

      • Block Escape from Task

      • Prompt Student to Complete Task

      • Redirect Student to Engage in Task

      • Repeat the Instruction

      • Use Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rates of Behavior (DRL)

      • Add custom skills

    • If the function is get attention

      • Block Behavior with Minimal Attention Provided

      • Do Not Provide Eye Contact

      • Do Not Provide Verbal Response

      • Do Not Reprimand

      • Redirect Behavior with Minimal Attention Provided

      • Use Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rates of Behavior (DRL)

      • Use Extinction

      • Add custom skills

    • If the function is get item/activity

      • Block Access to Activity

      • Block Access to Item

      • Use Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rates of Behavior (DRL)

      • Add custom skills

    • If the function is sensory

      • Block Access to Sensory Stimulation

      • Redirect Behavior with Minimal Attention Provided

      • Use Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rates of Behavior (DRL)

      • Add custom skills

    • If the function is other

      • add custom skills

Business Rules

  • User must select at least 1 consequence per function per behavior

Select Behaviors to Increase


  • We will ask “What behaviors would you like to increase?”

  • Any replacement or adaptive skill selected above will show

  • Users may also select from a list of behaviors. This list will include any previously added behavior to increase. There should also be a custom option.

  • For each behavior selected, we will ask the following questions:

    • How will you teach?

    • How will you monitor progress on this behavior?

    • How will you reinforce this behavior?

Business Rules

| How will you teach this behavior?


  • For each behavior to increase, we will ask How will you teach this behavior?

  • For any Rethink behavior, we will show the video (if applicable) & the teaching steps. We should somehow link the full lesson plan. We should also show a notes box (optional)

  • For any custom behavior, we will show a notes box (note must be entered).

Business Rules

| How will you monitor progress for this behavior?


  • Users will be asked “How will you monitor progress for this behavior?”

  • Users may select/check/slide from the options

    • Data Collection (and data type)

    • Self-Monitoring

    • Observation

Business Rules

  • Multiple options may be selected per behavior

  • If the custom behavior was previously entered under behavior & the user selects Data Collection, we will show the data types previously selected for this behavior

  • If the user selects data collection for a newly added Rethink replacement or adaptive skill, they will need to select the data type. This will add this skill to data express. User will somehow need ability to edit goal/mastery criteria/etc. Maybe it adds this skill to Behaviors section?

| Do you have a baseline on this behavior?


  • Users will be asked if they have a baseline on the behavior

  • If yes, they will enter a baseline

  • Users may have already collected data on the Behavior while completing Tier 2 interventions. In other words, they have already entered this behavior and collected data for the behavior. If so, we can calculate the baseline of this behavior based on a start and end date.

Business Rules

  • If a behavior has more than 1 data type associated, we will need to show the baseline for each data type.

  • We should auto-show the baseline if data was collected in baseline mode for the behavior.

| How will you reinforce this behavior?


  • Users will be asked “How will you reinforce this behavior?”

  • Users may select from the options:

    • Provide Access to Attention

    • Provide Access to Preferred Activity

    • Provide Access to Preferred Item

    • Provide Access to Preferred Person

    • Provide Access to Sensory Activity

    • Provide Classroom-wide Reinforcement

    • Provide Individual Reinforcement

    • Provide Points/Tokens

    • Provide Praise

    • Provide Social Reinforcers

    • Use Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors (DRA)

    • Use Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (DRI)

    • Use Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO)

  • Users should be able to add a custom strategy as well.

Business Rules

Save Draft


  • Users need to be able to save without finalizing the plan as they may not have all of the details yet. Also, this is a collaborative document that may take some time to complete.

Business Rules

Submit for Approval


  • Users should submit the plan for approval (or activate if permission allows)

  • An approved plan will show in the parent portal (based on permissions)

Business Rules

  • Users will be moved from baseline to intervention data in data express for all behaviors to reduce on the plan start date once the plan has been approved. @Angela Pagliaro (Unlicensed) @Meredith Ouimette What do you think of adding this logic? I’m torn. It could make it easier for folks to move off baseline, but it may not be accurate if they delay implementing the plan?