Individual Student Reports (Finalize HS SEL Assessment)

We need to provide the student SEL assessment report for students in grades 9-12

User Story:

  • As an educator, I want to view a report detailing how my student performed on the SEL assessment, so that I can assess how competent they feel they are on social emotional learning skills.

Student Score Report


  • We need to show the student score report for students in grades 9-12


Business Rules

  • This will function just as it does for students in other grades.

  • This report is generated for any student who completed the inventory and has a grade level in the system.

  • Scale scores will be presented with an error band. The error band will be based on the score +/‐ the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM). The SEM is grade‐specific and provided in the “SEM for SS by Grade.xls.”