Scoring (Finalize High School SEL Assessment)

We need to creating scoring for the HS SEL self-assessment.

Business Rules

  • Each item uses a Likert scale format with five answer choices. The answer choices are: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree.

  • The numerical values for these answer choices are: 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neutral, 3 =agree, and 4 = strongly agree.

  • Each Subscore has a grade‐specific score conversion. The “RS to SS” provides the score conversions for all Subscores.

  • The “RS to SS.xls” file includes the following fields: Form, Grade, Subscore, RS, SS, and Level.

  • “Form Code” is a unique identifier for each form of the student inventory. It is alpha‐numeric and has six characters. Form code matches across scoring tables and the form planner.

  • “Grade” is the grade (year in school) for the grade‐specific score conversion. Note that students must indicate their grade or be pre‐registered with it to receive and/or be included in reports. Note that “Grade” and “Gradelvl” are separate fields. The latter refers to the grade levels intended for the form.

  • “Subscore” refers to the subscore the item measures. There are five subscores: Self‐Awareness, Self‐Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision‐Making.

  • “RS” refers to “raw score” and includes all possible raw scores for each Subscore. The methodology for computing raw scores is described below.

  • “SS” refers to “scale score” and includes all possible scale scores for each Subscore. Raw scores are converted to scale scores using the score conversions in “RS to SS.xls.” The methodology for converting to scale scores is described below. Scale scores range from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 100 for each Subscore, but the effective range of scale scores is typically 0 to 65.

  • “Level” describes the relative standing of the student as compared to his or her peers. There are five categories for Level: Very Low, Low, Average, High, and Very High. The numerical values for these levels are: 1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = average, 4 = high, and 5 = very high.

  • The following steps explain how to generate a scale score and level for a given Subcore. The first step is to use the Form Planner to identify the items associated with a Subscore. The numerical values for each students’ responses to these items are then summed to compute a “raw score.” The RS to SS.xls file provides the look‐up table to convert the subscore raw score to the corresponding subscore scale score and level. The crucial aspect of this step is that the correct conversions are the ones that match the grade self‐reported by or pre‐registered for the student.