Assessment Questions (Finalize High School SEL Assessment)

We need to update the assessment questions for the SEL Student Self-Assessment for grades 9-12.

User Story:

As an educator, I want my students to complete the new version of the HS SEL Assessment, so that I can access reporting.

Business Rules

  • We need to update the existing SEL Assessment for grades 9-12 by removing some of the questions. The final list of assessment questions can be found on the Form Planner doc.

  • If possible, we need to retain old questions and responses on the back-end so we can report on them if needed.

  • The “Item” field contains the items themselves. Each item presents a brief, declarative statement. The instructions ask respondents to rate the degree to which they agree or disagree with this statement.

  • The field “Seq,” or Sequence Number, captures the order in which the items are to be presented on the test delivery platform.

  • The field “Subscore” refers to the subscore the item measures. There are five subscores: Self‐Awareness, Self‐Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision‐Making. Each item on each form is associated with one and only one subscore.

  • The field “Facet” is used only if a subscore measures more than one subdomain. This field is provided for research purposes only. Facet is not used for reporting purposes.