Review Quiz | Quiz Enhancements

We need to create a screen that allows teachers to view the completed quizzes and mark them as reviewed.

User Story: As a teacher, I want to view quizzes my students completed, so I can provide feedback and ensure they are strengthening their SEL skills.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I have clicked on a student's quiz submission, I will see a copy of the completed quiz

  • Given the quiz has not yet been marked as reviewed, I can click the reviewed button to change the status

  • Given the quiz has been reveiwed, I can click the undo button to mark it as not reviewed



  • When reviewing a quiz,

  • the user will see the student’s total score at the top

  • Followed by a block for each question.

  • Each block will show the question and answer choices, with the answer the student selected (green is correct, red/orange if incorrect)

  • If the student responded incorrectly, the block will be orange/red and we will also show the correct answer (in green)

  • If the student responded correctly, the block will be green

  • If the user clicks the Print button, we will show a PDF of this screen, minus the discussion panel (if possible).

  • If the quiz has not yet been reviewed by a user, we will show the Mark as Reviewed button

  • If the user clicks the Mark as Reviewed button, we will mark this quiz as reviewed

  • If the quiz has already been reviewed by a user, we will show a status of Reviewed.

  • If the user clicks the Undo button, the quiz will be set to Needs Review status and the Mark as Reviewed button will again show.

Business Rules

  • We will calculate the quiz score exactly as we do now.

  • Student Name will show the student’s first and last name

  • Domain name will show the lesson domain associated with the item

  • Area will show the lesson area associated with the item. For mental health items, this will not show.

  • Assignment Type will show Activity. Other assignment types will be added next.

  • Grade will show the grade associated with the item

  • Tier will show the tier(s) associated with the item. For mental health, this will not show.

  • If the item has not been reviewed, we will show the mark as reviewed button

  • If the item has been reviewed, we will show the Reviewed icon and the undo button