Assignments Tab | Student Center | Quiz Enhancements

We need to indicate which quizzes are in progress VS those not yet started. This is similar to how SEL activities and videos work.

User Story: As a student, I want to see which quizzes I have already started, so I know where I left off.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student, when I visit the My Assignments area, the quizzes assigned to me that I have not yet completed should show a button that reads Continue, while the quizzes assigned to me that I have not yet started should show a button that says Start.

  • Given I am a student, when I visit the My Assignments area, the quizzes I submitted to the teacher will show under Due today with the date submitted and the View button.


My Assignments - Due Today


  • Under Due Today, quizzes will either show a Start or Continue button


Business Rules

  • Start will show for items where the student has not previously clicked on an quiz

  • Continue will show for items where the student has previously clicked on a quiz, but has not yet completed/submitted it

My Assignments - Completed This Month


  • Any completed quiz will show the date it was completed and the View button

  • Clicking the view button will take the student to the review activity screen

Business Rules

  • Completed quizzes are those with all answers complete