Assignment Scope Viewer | Reorganize Student Center
We need to create a new screen that allows students to see all items associated with a lesson in one place
User Stories:
As a student, I want to see all items associated with a lesson in one place, so I can complete the full lesson
As a student, I want to know which items from a lesson I have already completed, so I know I do not need to complete those items
As a student, I want to know which items from a lesson are still due or are late, so I know that I need to complete those items
As a student, I want to know when items from a lesson are due, so I can prioritize
As a student, I want to know what lessons to work on next, so I can get ahead
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, I will see the younger student UI
Given I am NOT a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, I will see the older student UI
Given I am a student with access to more than 1 item for a given lesson, I will see this screen
Given I am a student WITHOUT access to more than 1 item for a given lesson, I will NOT see this screen
Given I am a student with access to more than 1 item for a given lesson, I will see all items listed on this screen
Given I am a student who has completed an item, I will see the Done flag
Given I am a student who has not yet completed an assigned item that has no due date, I will see the Due flag
Given I am a student who has not yet completed an assigned item that has a due date greater than or equal to today’s date, I will see the due date on the Due flag
Given I am a student who has not yet completed an assigned item that has a due date prior to today’s date, I will see the due date on the Late flag
Given I am a student who has access to a pre-loaded item that has not been completed or assigned, I will not see a flag on the lesson
Given I am a student who has completed all available items for a lesson (and nothing has been re-assigned), the lesson will be considered complete & I will see my recommendations
Given I am a student who has NOT completed all available items for a lesson (and nothing has been re-assigned), the lesson will be considered NOT complete & I will NOT see my recommendations
Given I am a student who has recommended lessons, I will see the next 3 non-complete lessons based on the sequence provided
Given I am a student who has completed all available lessons, I will see the no recommendations message
Younger Student UX:
Older Student UX:
General Concept
On this screen, the students will see the video and any related assignments for a given lesson
Any item that the student already completed/submitted, will show the Done flag with the date it was last completed
Any item that is currently assigned but not completed, will show the Due or Late flag with the due date (if applicable)
Any item that is not assigned and has not been completed will not show a status flag or due date
If the student has completed all items for the lesson, we will show the recommended lessons
Business Rules
Students assigned to grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 will see the younger UI version
Students NOT assigned to grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 will see the older UI version
We will show all available items for a given lesson on this screen. This means that we will show any pre-loaded AND assigned items from the lesson here. Each item will only show once.
Items that have been completed by the student and have not yet been reassigned to the student will show the Done flag
Items that are assigned but have not yet been completed and have a due date greater than or equal to today’s date will show the Due flag
Items that are assigned but have not yet been completed and have no due date will show the Due flag
Items that are assigned but have not yet been completed and have a due date prior to today’s date will show the Late flag
A lesson is considered complete when all available items have been completed/submitted.
A lesson is considered non-complete when at least 1 available item associated with the lesson has not been completed/submitted.
Recommended lessons will show up to 3 other non-complete lessons. We should list the next 3 non-complete lessons that fall after the current domain based on this list:
Wants and Needs
Learning Skills
Growth Mindset
Stress Management
Problem Solving
Goal Setting
Conflict Resolution
Cultural Competence
Safe and Ethical Behavior
Support Systems
Social Contributions
Actions & Consequences
Health Boundaries
Mental Health
Substance Use Disorders
Reducing Risk of Suicide
Human Trafficking
Additional Domains as they become available should follow same order as lesson library
If all available items from all available lessons are complete, we will show the no recommendations screen.
No Video Available
In the instance that an assignment exists, but no video is available, all assignment items will be centered
Business Rules
If an interactive activity, non-interactive activity, resource, or quiz is available for the student but the learn video is not, we will show this view
Two Videos Assigned
When two videos are assigned, the learn video will always show first in the younger and older UI and then the second video
The Practice What you Learned will always show next with the assignments in the Practice, Dive Deeper, quiz order discussed earlier
The Assignment viewer will also be affected by two videos being assigned. When the user clicks on the Video button, they will be able to select which video they would like to view and then the video viewer will open.
In the younger UI the students will click on the video thumbnails to access the video in the video viewer while the older students will select Video 1 (learn video) or video 2
Business Rules
Two or more videos can be assigned
When two videos are assigned, the video thumbnails build sequentially from left to right
The first video is always the Learn video
Younger UI Assignment Viewer thumbnail section box should open upon click and remain open until selection. Students should not have to hold down on the video button to keep it open to select.