Classrooms: Manage Assignments- Unassign all

We need to add an unassign all button in the Manage assignments so that users with permission to manage classrooms can unassign all assignments at once.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher or role with permission to manage classrooms, I want to be able to unassign all assignments at the end of the school year so that I can start the year out with a blank manage assignments

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to manage classrooms, I will have have access to unassign all assignments

  • Given I am a user with access to manage classrooms and I have confirmed unassign all, I will see the Manage assignments list replaced with the empty state

  • Given I am a student of a class where a user with permission to Manage assignments has confirmed unassign all, I will see the empty state for the My work/assignment area unless I have been assigned assignments from another classroom, in which case those assignments will remain

  • Given I am a student of a class where a user with permission to Manage assignments has confirmed unassign all, I will no longer see the assigned assignments from that given class in the Bonus area unless my district has elected to have prepopulated SEL content and in which case some of the assignments may be found in the prepopulated SEL content but will no longer show a DUE tag




  • When users visit Manage Assignments, they will now see a unassign all button

  • If the user clicks the Unassign all button, they will see the following message: Confirm unassign Are you sure you want to unassign all assignments from the students? This cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?

  • If they select confirm, the assignments will be unassigned and deleted from the Manage Assignments area

  • If they cancel, the message will close and no assignments will be removed


Business Rules

  • Users with permission to manage classrooms will have access to the Unassign all button

  • Upon confirmation to Unassign all, the Manage assignments list will be replaced with the empty state

  • Upon confirmation to Unassign all, all assigned assignments will be deleted from all students' student centers from the given class