Classroom Alerts | Alerts | Incidents Reports | Behavior Suite

We need to create an area in the classroom tool where educators can view the alerts for their students. Educators should be notified immediately when their students trigger an alert.


User Stories:

  • As a classroom educator, I want to be alerted when students in my class trigger the alert criterion for incidents, so that I can identify these students ASAP

  • As an classroom educator, I want to view an alert that shows me the number of students that triggered an alert, so I do not get pinged every single time a student triggers an alert as this will be overwhelming

  • As an classroom educator, I want to know what the alert criteria is when I am alerted, so I understand why I’m receiving this message

  • As an classroom educator, I want to know when the student triggered the alert and if they have triggered other alerts in the past, so I can put the whole picture together

  • As an classroom educator, I want to view more details on a student who triggers an alert, so I can better understand what is happening with the student

  • As an classroom educator, I want to know what my call to action is when a student triggers an alert, so I can start to help this student ASAP

  • As a classroom educator, I want to filter my alerts, so I can better understand trends across the classroom


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts, I will see alerts in my classroom

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts, I will see alerts for students involved in incidents that belong to my class

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts and my incident report has been approved, I will see an alert

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts, I will see the # of students currently in the class with an incident alert in the past 30 days when I click on the alert

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts and no students in the class have triggered an incident report in the past 30 days, I will see no alerts message

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts, the report will show the number of unique students currently in the class who have triggered an alert within the date range

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alert, if a student in the class triggered an alert, but has since been removed from the class or deleted, I will not see that student or the number of alerts they triggered

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alert, I will not be able to change the date range to the future on the Alerts report

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alert, I will be able to sort the students alphabetically by last name, but will display the names like FIRST NAME LAST NAME on the list view

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alert, I will only see alerts for students currently assigned to the classroom.

  • Given I am a user without access to MTSS interventions with incidents selected, I will not see the alerts bell or alerts report.



Top Navigation Bell


  • Non admin with permission will see the number of unread alerts in the header alert bell

  • Nonadmin without permission to see MTSS with incidents selected, will not see the alert bell or report.

  • If the user has multiple classrooms with alerts, they will see the classroom selection popup

  • Only classrooms with alerts will show in the dropdown

  • Once they select the classroom, they will see the alert report for the selected classroom



Business Rules

  • This bell and text will only show if the user has permission to Receive Alerts (under Behavior Support) AND if there is an active alert in the read or unread messages

  • We will show the newest unread alerts at the top of the list

  • An alert will be triggered based on the alert settings.

  • Once the user clicks Alerts, the alert red dot will disappear and the alert bell in the top header will start again from zero

  • Once the user clicks on the alert bell in top header, it will start again from zero and the red dot will disappear from the menu

  • The newest alerts will be shown at the top of the queue

  • Users without access to MTSS with incidents selected will not see the alert bell or alert report.


Classroom Dashboard


  • On the Classroom Dashboard, we will show an indicator if there are any active alerts

  • Clicking on this will take the user to the Behavior Alerts Report


  • If there are no active alerts, we will show a message that there are no alerts


Business Rules

  • Alerts will show if the user has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts

  • Alerts will show to any teacher assigned to the student involved in the incident

  • An alert will also show if the an incident report has been approved to the owner of the incident report

  • We will show the # of students currently in the class with an incident alert in the past 30 days

  • If no students in the class have triggered an incident report in the past 30 days, we will show no alerts message

Behavior Reports


  • When the user views the Behavior Reports, they will now be broken out into 3 sections:

    • Alerts

    • Incidents

    • Behavior Tracking

  • The user may click on Past 30 days to change the date range.

    • They will see the pre-set options of:

      • Today

      • Yesterday

      • Past 7 Days

      • Past 30 Days

      • Past 90 Days

      • Past Year

    • Alternatively they may enter a custom date range by clicking two dates as a start and end date on the calendar.

    • Once the date range has been changed, we will see this reflected on the report (in place of the text Past 30 Days).

  • The top of the report will show the number of students who have triggered an alert within the selected date range

  • The body of the report will list the alert criteria for incidents, the number of students who triggered the alert within the date range, the number of times the alert was triggered within the date range, and the date the alert was last triggered within the date range

  • If the user clicks the down arrow, they will see a line for each student who triggered the alert, the number of occurrences (times the alert was triggered), and the date the student most recently triggered the alert within the date range

  • Clicking on the student’s name will take the user to that student’s Incident Report area

  • If no alerts were triggered within the date range, we will show a message stating this


  • Behavior Tracking will contain the current Behavior Report

Business Rules

  • We will default to Alerts for the past 30 days

  • The report will show the number of unique students currently in the class who have triggered an alert within the date range

  • The report will also show the number of times the alert was triggered by students currently in the class within the date range

  • If a student in the class triggered an alert, but has since been removed from the class or deleted, we will not count that student or the number of alerts they triggered

  • Users with permission to View Reports will have access to this area.

  • Date range cannot be in the future.

  • We will sort the students alphabetically by last name, but will display the names like FIRST NAME LAST NAME.

  • We will only show alerts for students currently assigned to the classroom.