Manage Rewards | Point System | Behavior Suite

We need to provide a way for educators to edit the default list of rewards.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system and have permission to Record Behaviors, I will see the Rewards link in their classroom(s)

  • Given I am a user with allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system and do NOT have permission to Record Behaviors, I will NOT see the rewards like in my classroom(s)




Getting to the Rewards


  • Users can access the rewards from the classroom left menu


Business Needs

  • MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system, that account will have access to Point System

  • Need to add a Rewards menu option


Default Rewards


  • Users will see the default list of default rewards


Business Needs

The default amounts and rewards will be:

  • $10

    • Cool Pen

    • Line Leader

    • Share first at meeting

  • $20

    • Teacher assistant

    • Sit next to a friend

    • Job swap

  • $30

    • Treasure box

    • Gum Pass

    • Digital Time

  • $100

    • Homework Pass

    • Extra recess time

    • Free Choice Time






  • Users can Edit by clicking the edit button

  • Users can remove all point amounts by clicking the X next to the point value

  • Users can remove all rewards under each point value by clicking the X

  • Users can change the order that the rewards appear by clicking the up down arrows

  • Users can copy rewards from another teacher who has modified the default rewards list

  • Users can exit the screen by clicking on Cancel.



  • Users can add a reward by clicking on the drop down

  • Users can search, select from any of the default behaviors or add their own to the list

  • They can only select one at a time

  • When they select a reward, it is added to the same box with the matching amount

  • Users can add a point value by clicking add point value

  • Once they add it, they can add a new point value which will add next to each reward and add rewards from the list

  • If the user tries to save, but no point value has been entered, they will see an error message under field and in the top header


Business Needs

  • All rewards will be available in the add reward dropdown and can be applied to any point value

  • Users can add their own rewards to the list that will be saved in the add reward dropdown

  • The added rewards will add to the bottom of the list

  • The user can search the rewards by typing in the search bar

  • Selecting cancel exits the User from the Edit screen.




Make Rewards Visible to Students


  • Users have the choice whether they would like to allow students to point area of the Student view the rewards in the Student Center or to not allow them to view the rewards

  • If the users do not want to allow their students to view the rewards from the student center, they will leave the make rewards visible box unchecked

  • If the users want their students to view the rewards from the student center, they will check the make rewards visible checkbox


Business Rules

  • There must be at least one reward amount and one reward for the check box to be active to allow students to view the rewards


Copy from Another Classroom


  • Users can copy the rewards from another classroom who has modified the default behavior list by selecting the classroom in Edit mode


  • Once the user selects a classroom, they will see the message: Are you sure you want to use [Classroom name]'s reward list? This action cannot be undone.

  • If the user clicks no or the close button, no action will happen other than closing the message window

  • If the user clicks yes, their default screen will be updated to the selected classroom’s list


Business Rules

  • Users will see all classrooms that have modified the default reward list in alphabetical order

  • Users will see up to 20 classrooms who have modified their reward list in the search results

  • Users can search for any classroom in their building or that they have permission to see that has changed their reward list

  • User can only select one classroom at a time


Manage points button

  • Users can click the manage points button as long as there is one point value and one reward under it


  • Clicking the manage points button will allow the user to spend the points for a student, group of students, or whole class

  • For more information, check out the individual and whole class points pages.


Business Rules

  • Manage points button is only active when one or more point values and rewards is available