Jrich | Point System

Description: We need to add a component to turn this product on/off.

User Stories:

  • As a Rethink Ed employee, I want to enable the Point System for a district, so I can ensure the customer has access to this product

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given an account has been allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included, that account will have access to Point System

  • Given an account has been allocated MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included, that account will have access to Point System

  • Given none of the above are true, the account will NOT have access to Point System

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=0%3A7622


MTSS Component


  • We will add a new component called MTSS Interventions

  • Product will be MTSS

  • Component will be Interventions

  • When a user clicks to add this component to an account, they will need to set the number of licenses for team members and students

  • Licenses may be allocated under team members/students or additional additional team members/additional students.

  • If the user clicks the + button, the screen will expand. The user now has a choice of including All Tools or Select Tools.

  • If the user clicks Select Tools, they will see a menu of MTSS Intervention Tools. The user will need to select Point System in order to enable this feature.

Business Rules

  • The # of team member licenses allocated will dictate the number of team members who may access MTSS Intervention Tools. We will not prevent the customer from going over this amount, but overages will be included in the Team Member License Overage Report

  • The # of student licenses allocated will dictate the number of students who can have a an MTSS Intervention Tool applied. We will not prevent the customer from going over this amount, but overages will be included in the Student License Overage Report

  • When MTSS Interventions is allocated & Point System is checked, the Point System tools will be visible in Classrooms and Admin Reports.

  • When MTSS Interventions is allocated & Point System is checked, the Point System tools will be visible in Classrooms and Admin Reports.