Edit Behaviors | Point System | Behavior Suite

We need to create a way for teachers to modify and remove behaviors in their tracker.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to be able modify or remove behaviors so I can update my list to the behaviors that I need to track in my classroom

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to Edit Behavior Settings (Behavior Support), I will be able to edit the behaviors

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I can modify and remove behaviors from my list of behaviors

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I can Edit the Behavior list by clicking Record Behaviors from the classroom, the behavior dashboard, and the student dashboard

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I cannot remove the final behavior in a particular category

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I will see the current list of behaviors for the classroom selected

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I can rename, reorganize, and adjust the point value for all behaviors shown.

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I can add a custom behavior by selecting a pre-existing behavior category

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I can see the point value for any behavior tied to a positive category will default to 1 point, but I can adjust this to any positive point value for a whole number 0 or higher.

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I see negative behaviors cannot have a point value associated.

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I see that there are no negative point values.

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, If a behavior has been removed after data has been collected for that behavior, I will see the behavior will no longer show in tracking but will show in reports.

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, if the point value is changed for a behavior after data has been collected for that behavior, I will see the report will show the original point value for all behaviors previously recorded.

  • Given that I am a user and I have permission to manage classroom, I will see that I have to leave at least one behavior for each category

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=15879%3A178721


Opening Edit Behavior List


  • Users can either access the Edit Behavior List by clicking Record behaviors in the classroom


  • Users can access the Edit behavior list by clicking Record behaviors in the behavior dashboard in any of the tiers


  • Users can access the Edit behavior list by clicking Record behaviors in the student Behavior dashboard

  • Once they click on Record behaviors, they will see the Record behaviors modal and be able to select Edit classroom behaviors list


Business Rules

  • MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system, that account will have access to Point System

  • Edit Behaviors is accessed by clicking on Record behaviors in the classroom, behavior dashboard, and the student dashboard



| Edit behavior list


  • If the user clicks Edit classroom behaviors list, they will be taken to a screen detailing the current behaviors for the classroom.

  • If it is there first time selecting edit behavior list for a classroom and they have one or more classrooms, that they have updated the behavior list for, they will be able to select from a dropdown and copy the list from one of their other classrooms

  • This option will only be offered the first time that they edit the behavior list. Once it is edited, this option will disappear.


  • Each behavior will show the positive or negative category , the name of the behavior, and the point value.

  • The user may click the arrows to rearrange the list


  • The user may click in the point value box to change the point value for the behavior (positive behaviors only)

  • The user may click the X to remove the behavior from the list. The user must leave one behavior for each category. The final behavior of a category will not have an X

  • The user may click “+ Add behavior” to add a custom behavior


  • When the user adds a custom behavior, they will need to enter a behavior name, behavior category, and point value

    • If the user clicks the X, the behavior will be removed.

  • Once the user clicks Save, the modifications, deletions, or additions are saved to the behavior list

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Edit Behavior Settings (Behavior Support) will see this option.

  • We will show the current list of behaviors for the classroom selected.

  • The user may rename, reorganize, and adjust the point value for all behaviors shown.

  • The user may add a custom behavior

    • The user must select a pre-existing behavior category

    • The point value for any behavior tied to a positive category will default to 1 point, but the user may adjust this to any positive point value for a whole number 0 or higher.

  • Negative behaviors cannot have a point value associated.

  • We will not allow any negative point values.

  • Point values can be set to a whole number of 0 or higher. If user tries to enter a negative number, they will see a red message stating “Please enter a whole number greater than 0.”

  • If a behavior has been removed after data has been collected for that behavior, the behavior will no longer show in tracking but will show in reports. For example, if I record data on Hitting and then remove hitting from the behavior list, I will no longer be able to record data for hitting but I will see hitting on any behavior report I run (see reports for details).

  • If the point value is changed for a behavior after data has been collected for that behavior, the report will show the original point value for all behaviors previously recorded. All future behaviors will show the new point value.

  • Users have to leave at least one behavior for each category


Restore Default Settings


  • Once the user makes changes to Edit Behaviors, they will see a Restore default settings button

  • If the user clicks the Restore default settings button, they will see a popup saying: Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? All changes will be removed and this action cannot be undone.

  • If the user clicks okay, the default settings will be restored in the positive and negative tabs

  • If the user clicks, the X the popup will close and no changes will occur to current state.



Business Rules

  • Restore default button will show once a change has been made to the behaviors in the positive or negative tabs

  • Clicking the Restore button and clicking okay to popup, will make changes to the positive and negative tabs to match the district settings

Multiple Teachers in Same Classroom


  • If there are multiple teachers in the same classroom and one teacher makes a change to the edit behavior list, we will show a message saying: Are you sure you want to make this change to the Classroom Behavior List?

  • If the user selects yes, the change will be made to the classroom behavior list

  • If the user selects no, the change will not be made to the list

Business Rules

  • This message will only show if the classroom has multiple teachers

  • This message will only show on the first change to the classroom behavior list on a given day