Permission Settings | Point System | Behavior Suite

We need to add permission settings for staff and parent roles.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given an account has been allocated Skills, Behavior, MTSS Interventions, and SEL SEL, the behavior support section will show in permissions

  • Given I am a user assigned to 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Paraprofessional, I will have permission to record behaviors

  • Given I am a user assigned to any custom role that currently has access to Enter Data (Data Express), I will have permission to record behaviors

  • Given I am a user assigned to 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, I will have permission to Manage Data/Points

  • Given I am a user assigned to any custom role that currently has access to Delete Others Data (Data Express), I will have permission to Manage Data/Points

  • Given I am a user assigned to 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Paraprofessional, I will have permission to record team notes

  • Given I am a user assigned to any custom role that currently has access to Enter Data (Data Express), I will have permission to record team notes

  • Given I am a user assigned to 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Related Service Provider, and or any custom role that is marked “is admin”, I will have permission to record Student/Parent Notes

  • Given I am a user assigned to 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Related Service Provider, Paraprofessional, and or any custom role that is marked “is admin”, I will have permission to Read/Send Messages

  • Given I am a user assigned to Parent/Home Caregiver and Multi-Account Parent/Home Caregiver, I will have permission to View Points, Read Messages, and Send Messages.



  • Under Behavior Support, we will change View to View Behaviors

  • We need to add permissions for:

    • Record Behaviors

    • Manage Data/Points

    • Record Team Notes

    • Record Student/Parent Notes

  • Under Message Center (new category), we need to add permissions for:

    • Read/Send Messages

Business Rules

  • Behavior Support section in permissions will show for Skills, Behavior, MTSS Interventions, and SEL SEL

By default the permission settings are checked for:

  • Behavior

    • Record Behaviors

      • 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Paraprofessional

      • Any custom role that currently has access to Enter Data (Data Express)

    • Manage Data/Points

      • 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager

      • Any custom role that currently has access to Delete Others Data (Data Express)

    • Record Team Notes

      • 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Paraprofessional

      • Any custom role that currently has access to Enter Data (Data Express)

    • Record Student/Parent Notes

      • 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Related Service Provider

      • Any custom role that is marked “is admin”

  • Message Center

    • Read/Send Messages

      • 7, 6, 5, Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead, Case Manager, Teacher, Multi-Account Teacher, Related Service Provider, Paraprofessional

      • Any custom role that is marked “is admin”

Family Member Roles


We need to add the following permission setting under Behavior:

  • View Points

We need to add the following permission settings under Message Center:

  • Read Messages

  • Send Messages

Business Rules

  • Default roles of Parent/Home Caregiver and Multi-Account Parent/Home Caregiver will have permission to View Points, Read Messages, and Send Messages.