Behavior Account Settings | Point System | Behavior Suite
We need to add a section called Behavior to Account Settings in Account Setup. This section will allow users to adjust the defaults for:
For this section, we will focus on Point System and Alert settings.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I am a role 7, I will be able to edit the account settings
Given I am a user WITHOUT access to MTSS interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System and I am a role 7, I will not see the Behavior account settings,
Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I am a lead teacher, multi-account lead teacher, or case manager, teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will not see the Behavior account settings,
Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I am the highest role as a role 6 or 5 or as a “is admin” custom role, I will be able to edit the account settings
Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I am a role 6 or 5 or as a “is admin” custom role, AND I am not the highest role, I will only be able to view the account settings
1. Point System
Point System will show a list of Behavior Categories and Behaviors within those categories, as well as the point value associated with the positive behaviors
Users may click on Edit to adjust the default settings.
Users can click to view the positive or negative categories and behaviors
Users may click the up/down arrows to re-order the categories/behaviors
Users may edit the category or behavior name by clicking in the category/behavior name box and editing the text.
Users may change the point value of a behavior
Users may click the X to remove a behavior category or behavior from the list
Users may add a new category by clicking on add new category
From here, the user will enter a category name and select whether this is a positive or negative category.
3 lines will appear to enter default behaviors
If this is a positive category, users will enter a point value for each behavior
If this is a negative category, users will not enter a point value
Users may add a new behavior by clicking on add new behavior
A line will appear to add a behavior name
If the behavior belongs to a positive category, users will have the ability to adjust the point value
If the behavior belongs to a negative category, users will not have the ability to adjust the point value.
There must be One category for positive and one category for negative behaviors and One behavior for save to be active
Users may click add new category to add another category
Business Rules
Users with permission to Edit Behavior Settings and who are marked “is admin role” will see this section.
Only the highest level admin users will have permission to edit/reorder the behavior categories/behavior list. If multiple account levels exist, users with access to all buildings may adjust the behavior categories/behavior list. If account does not have multiple levels, any user marked “is admin role” may edit/reorder the behavior categories/behavior list.
If an admin edits the behavior categories/behavior list, all users in all child accounts will see the default behavior categories/behavior list entered by the user.
If a behavior category is removed, all behaviors underneath that category (both in settings and in the actual point tool itself) are also removed. We may report on these behaviors as they have already been tracked, but we may no longer track behaviors tied to this category.
If a behavior category is re-named before any data is tracked on that category, this new category name will show on all reports.
Once data is being collected on the behavior category, it cannot be renamed.
If there is data being collected on a behavior category, it can be removed and the user can add a new category.
There must be One category for positive and one category for negative behaviors and One behavior under each to be able to save
The Rethink Default behavior categories are:
Off Task
If a default behavior is removed, it will no longer show as a default when tracking for a student/group/classroom for the first time. If a user is already tracking that behavior for the class, the behavior will remain.
If a default behavior is renamed, the new behavior name will show as a default when tracking for a student/group/classroom for the first time. If a user is already tracking that behavior, the behavior name will not change.
The Rethink default behaviors are:
Prepared for class
Managed time well
Arrived to class on time
desk/folder organized
personal items/locker organized
Spoke appropriately to teachers/school staff
Adhered to classroom rules
Respected others boundaries
Respected others belongings
Spoke appropriately to peers
Completed all assignments
Met personal responsibilities
Met group responsibilities
Engaged in classroom instruction
Completed classroom job/task
Independently attempted to fix own mistake
Admitted mistake
Showed determination
Took initiative
Worked well in group
Volunteered for projects/leadership roles
Communicated well
Dealt appropriately with conflict
Helped others
Used inappropriate language
Created classroom disruption
Talked back
Violated personal space/boundaries
Made fun of others
Violated classroom rules
Refused to complete work
Ignored direct requests
Violated school policy
Walked out of class without permission
Property destruction (school/classroom)
Property destruction (peers)
Fight/physical contact
Bullying/cyber bullying
Possessed a weapon
Off Task
Did not manage time
Completed wrong assignment/task
Played with items on desk
Spoke out of turn
Laid head on desk
Not prepared for class
Late to class/tardy
Assignments not complete
Did not participate in group assignment
A user may not change whether a behavior category is positive or negative.
By default, all positive behaviors will have a point value of +1
Points may be set to any whole number 0 or higher. If the user does not meet this criterion, they will see an error message
No point value can be associated with a negative behavior
If the point value of a behavior is changed in the defaults, it will not impact any classroom/group/student who is already tracking that behavior. The change will impact any new classroom/group/student using the defaults for the first time.
Users may not have more than 5 positive and 5 negative behavior categories (10 categories total)
There is no limit to the number of default behaviors within a category
Behaviors and categories must have a name. If the user does not enter a name and clicks save, the screen will remain open and they will see an error message that reads “Please enter a name for all categories and behaviors.”
Restore Default Settings
Once the user makes changes to the Settings in the positive or negative tab, they will see a Restore default settings button
If the user clicks the Restore default settings button, they will see a popup saying: Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? All changes will be removed and this action cannot be undone.
If the user clicks okay, the default settings will be restored in both the positive and negative tabs and all changes will be lost.
If the user clicks, the X the popup will close and no changes will occur to current state.
Business Rules
Restore default button will show once changes have been made in the positive and/or negative tab
Clicking the Restore button will make changes to positive and negative tabs, anywhere were the user has made changes
Users can set custom alerts
Alert after __# of negative behaviors are recorded for a student within __ # of days/weeks/months/years
Users will have the option to edit the numbers
Whenever any one student reached this criteria, the user will receive an alert
Business Rules
Users with permission to Edit Behavior Settings and who are marked “is admin role” will see this section.
Only the highest level admin users will have permission to edit/reorder the behavior categories/behavior list. If multiple account levels exist, users with Role 7 access may adjust the behavior categories/behavior list. If multiple account levels exist and no Role 7 users exist, any user marked “is admin role” with access to all buildings may adjust the behavior categories/behavior list. If account does not have multiple levels, users with Role 5 access may edit/reorder the behavior categories/behavior list. If an account does not have multiple levels and no Role 5 user exists, any user marked “is admin role” may edit/reorder the behavior categories/behavior list.
By default, we will alert after:
5 negative behaviors are recorded for a student within 1 week.
Users will receive alerts for all students in all accounts the user currently has access to (see alerts section)