Update Behavior Area | Point System | Behavior Suite

We need to update the main behavior dashboard with this new tool.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I have permission to View behaviors, I will see the Behavior Points card with the View Behaviors button

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I have permission to Record behaviors, I will see the Behavior Points card with the Record Behaviors button

  • Given I am a user with access to allocated MTSS Interventions and All Topics or MTSS Interventions and Point System has been included and I have a classroom or multiple classrooms set up, I will see all my classrooms listed in the selection pop-up when clicking on View or Record Behaviors button on the Behavior Points card


  • For all 3 tiers, we will add a block for Behavior Points.


  • If the user clicks View behaviors, they will next select a classroom.



  • If the user clicks Record behaviors, they will next select a classroom.


  • Then the user will need to select whether they are recording for an individual, group of students or whole class


  • If they select one student, they will see the individual tracker



  • If they select more than one student, they will see the group tracker


  • If they select whole class, they will see the whole class tracker



Business Rules

  • We will still default to Tier 3

  • MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system, that account will have access to Point System

  • Users with permission to View reports (under Behavior Support) will see View behaviors.

  • Users with permission to Record behaviors (under Behavior Support) will see Record behaviors.

  • Users will see all classrooms to which they are currently assigned that belong to buildings who have purchased Behavior Support

    • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically

  • Admins will see a search bar instead of the classrooms list. Admins will need to search for a classroom by name


Adding/Editing Points for Individual Tracker, Group Tracker, Whole Class Tracker:

  • The default fill for the text entry box is 0.

  • Clicking on the + symbol increase the points in increments of 1.

  • Clicking on the text entry box next to the + symbol and custom entering a point amount fills the field with the users custom entry.

  • Points custom entered are between 0 and 50.

  • If a user custom enters a number that is less than 0 or more than 50, they see a pop-up message that reads: Number must be between 0 and 50.

    • Clicking anywhere removes the pop-up message.




No class set up


  • If no classroom has been set-up and the user has clicked view behaviors, the user will see the following error message: You have not set up any classrooms. Please set up a classroom to track and view behaviors.

  • Once the user clicks got it, the popup will disappear.




Business Rules

  • If no classrooms have been created by the user and the user does not have access to view any classrooms created by other users, then the user will see an error message.