Family Portal | Point System | Behavior Suite

We need to show parents information on behaviors tracked/points earned and feedback from the teacher.



Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a family member connected to a student with MTSS Interventions and All Topics have been included or MTSS Interventions and Point system , and All Topic, or SEL SEL component, I will see the point report of total positive and negative behaviors recorded

Family Dashboard


  • We will be removing the Lesson Library card and link from the header.

  • We will add a behavior button for each student card, where applicable

  • Parents who have not been connected to any students will see this dashboard as well (no student cards)


Business Rules

  • Only students who have at least 1 incident reported OR 1 positive/negative behavior recorded through the point system will display the behavior button

  • Parents with access to either SEL Lessons, Skills, Behavior Support, OR MTSS Interventions (All Tools or any of the selected tools enabled) will see the behavior button


Student Selector


  • Family members connected to one student will see the student name at the top of the behavior card


  • Family members who are connected to one or more students will the a dropdown with their child’s name

  • By clicking on the dropdown, parents can switch between their children’s accounts

  • Clicking the behavior button will take the parents to the displayed child’s behavior

  • Clicking on the More and student credentials button will show the displayed child’s credentials

  • If the family member clicks on the More and Student Center button they will see a warning message: You are about to log out of your account. Are you sure you want to log into the Student Center?


  • If they click yes, they will see the student center of the displayed child

  • If they click no or the X to close, they will remain on the home page of the family member account


Business Rules

  • Family members connected with students will see only the students that they are connected with on the student card

  • If there are multiple students connected, they will see a dropdown to easily switch between students






  • If the user clicks on More and login to Student center and yes to the warning popup, they will be taken inside the student center of the selected student

  • If the user clicks more and View credentials, they will see a modal with the selected student’s credentials

  • If the students of the parents are integrated, the parents will not see the credential option


Business Rules

  • Family members will only be able to login to the students connected to their account






Behavior Points Page


  • Once the user clicks the behavior button, they will see their student’s current point balance and a list of all positive and negative behaviors tracked for the student

  • They will also see a description that reads “We are using a behavior points tool to keep track of behavior in the classroom. When your student engages in a positive behavior, they earn points they can trade in for awesome rewards! Check out your student’s history below.”


Classroom filter

  • The user can filter by classroom by clicking on the classroom filter and selecting the classroom

  • Only the data recorded by this classroom will show in the report

Date Range

  • The user may click the date range (i.e. Past 30 Days)

  • This will open up a filter for the user to select a different date range



  • The user will see a a summary of behavior recorded within the date range.

  • Total points will show the number of points earned within the date range

  • Positive behavior will show the total number of positive behaviors recorded for the student within the date range

  • Negative behaviors will show the total number of negative behaviors recorded for the student within the date range


Positive Behaviors

  • The user will see a line heading called Positive Behaviors

  • Here, we will show the number of occurrences for all positive behaviors and points awarded for all positive behaviors for the student


  • If a user clicks on the down arrow, they may expand the positive behaviors to view a list of all behaviors. Clicking on the up arrow will collapse this view.


  • For each behavior we will show the number of occurrences for that behavior, the point value of each behavior, and points awarded for that behavior

  • If a user clicks on the down arrow next to a behavior, it will expand to show each date and the classroom where the behavior was recorded for that student, the number of occurrences of that behavior for the student, and the number of points the student was awarded for that behavior occurrence. Clicking on the up arrow will collapse this view. The notes will not show to the family members.


Negative Behaviors

  • The user will see a line heading called Negative Behaviors

  • Here, we will show the number of occurrences for all negative behaviors


  • If a user clicks on down the arrow, they may expand the negative behaviors to view a list of all behaviors. Clicking the up arrow will collapse this view.

  • For each behavior we will show the number of occurrences for that behavior


  • If a user clicks on the down arrow next to a behavior, it will expand to show the dates and classrooms where the behavior was recorded for the student, and the number of occurrences of that behavior for the student. Clicking the up arrow will collapse this view. The notes will not show to the family members.


Business Rules

  • This screen will only show if the family member has access to MTSS Interventions (All Tools or Point System enabled) AND permission to View Points

  • Point report will only show for students where at least 1 positive or negative behavior has been saved by the teacher

  • By default, we will show past 30 days.

  • Only one classroom can be selected at a time

  • All classrooms which have recorded behavior data on this student will shown in the filter drop down in alphabetical order

  • The date range will dictate the data displayed

  • Data displayed will be based on the date the user entered when recording the data (not necessarily the date the user physically entered the data).

    • For example, if the user entered data on 11/19 and changed the date to 9/1, a report from 11/1-11/30 will not reflect that data point.

  • Positive Behavior section will include the total number of positive behaviors recorded for the student within the date range.

  • Negative Behavior section will include the total number of negative behaviors recorded for all the student within the date range.

  • We will only show behaviors for which data has been recording. Meaning, we will not show a line for a behavior if 0 occurrences were recorded within the date range.

  • This report will show all behaviors recorded for the student within the date range, regardless of which classroom/group was selected.

  • The teacher observation notes will not show to the family members.


Incident Reports


  • It the user clicks on incident reports, they will see all incident reports involving their child that have been shared with them

  • The most recent report is always at the top

  • If the user clicks View, they will see the report, with redacted names of other students involved

Business Rules

  • Family members with access to Skills, Behavior Support, SEL Lessons, OR MTSS Interventions (All Tools or Incident Reports enabled) will have access to this area

  • Incident Reports will only show for students where at least 1 incident report has been shared with this family member user

  • The family members will only see their child’s name on the Students Involved list

  • The most recent report will show at the top




  • If the child is associated with a Skills only account, they will see the I am working on button

  • If the user also hs access to the Behavior button (as outlined in previous section), both buttons will appear


Business Rules

  • If the family member has access to Skills OR SEL Lessons AND the student belongs to an account where Skills or SEL Lessons have been allocated, the user will see I am working on Button


I am working on: Lessons



  • If the user clicks on the I am working on button, they will see the lessons assigned by their teacher

  • If the user clicks on the View button they will see the lesson plan

  • If the user clicks on the video they will see the video open


Business Rules

  • If the family member user has access to Skills Lessons, they will see the Lessons button for any student who has at least 1 Skills lesson on the current learning plan

  • This screen will show a list of all CURRENTLY assigned Skills lessons

  • Lessons will be listed in reverse order of assignment (i.e. most recent assigned lesson at top of list)


I am working on: Assignments


  • If the user clicks on the I am working on button, they will see the lessons assigned by their teacher


  • Once they click on View they will see the assignments, assigned to student




Business Rules

  • Assignments button will show for any family member user who has access to Skills or SEL Lessons and the student has at least 1 active assignment in the student center (skills activity, sel activity, sel video, sel quiz, sel assessment)

  • The screen will list all active assignements in reverse assignment order (i.e. most recent assigned lesson at top of list)