Send alerts to school Profile

We need to give staff the ability to indicate whether they would like alerts to be sent to their school email or not. That way if they haven’t logged into Rethink they will still be notified about alerts.

Notes---We need to:

  • Create a standard email to users -language used

  • Add the email template (Dev mentioned)

  • Connect this back to Account Settings in Behavior Plan where users set up Alerts

  • Need this on the roadmap


User Stories:

  • As an admin who does not check their rethink account daily, I need to be notified by school email when there are alerts to view in Rethink so that I will be informed and not miss important notifications.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who is a role 2-7 and has access to MTSS Interventions all topics or specific topics (incidents, contracts, Behavior plan, , I will see the new question about sending alerts to school email in my profile

  • Given I am a user who is a role 2-7 and has access to Skills, I do not have to input the BACB number in order to save profile changes


School Email


  • We will add a new setting in profile: Would you like alerts to be sent to your school email?

  • Users can select to be sent alerts to their school email by turning on toggle

  • If toggle off, no email sent to school email

  • The email will say: You have (number) new alerts. Visit your Rethink Ed account to view the alerts.



Business Rules

  • If the school email toggle is turned on, an email will be sent with the alerts to my school email

  • If the school email checkbox is turned off, no email is sent

  • The email address given in account setup is the email used to send message

  • Rethink Ed link should take them to the Rethink Ed login screen.