Edit Assessment Modal


Beginning from the Assessment List, editing assessments for Attendance, Behavior, ELA, and Math Integrations allows the User to make updates to Descriptions, Benchmark Criteria and Field Mapping.

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/pbkupX2noQxD6SE6C7EtIv/Admin---Integrations?type=design&node-id=899-31862&mode=design&t=de0YThvJlp20j4sH-0


UI Description: Edit Integration

  1. Subject dropdown:

    • Selection locked; shown as lighter text

  2. Company dropdown:

    • Selection locked; shown as lighter text

  3. Assessment Name:

    • Available for editing: shown as regular text

  4. Description:

    • Available for editing: shown as regular text

    • Click inside of description box and type; optional with no character limit


User Interaction and Validation Notes: Edit Integration

  1. Subject dropdown:

    • If clicked on, then show message, “Subject cannot be edited.”

  2. Company dropdown:

    • If clicked on, then show message, “Company cannot be edited.”

  3. Assessment Name:

    • If clicked on, then allow user to edit

  4. Description:

    • Available for editing: shown as regular text

    • Click inside of description box and type; optional with no character limit


UI Description: Integration Settings

  1. Benchmark Tab

    • ELA and Math Assessments

      • All Benchmark Tab selections are editable until first data integration occurs, then settings are established for the school year and cannot be edited.

      • Upon entry to the Edit Screen, the user’s previous selections are shown to them and editable

    • Attendance Assessments

      • All Benchmark Tab selections are editable until first data integration occurs, then settings are established for the school year and cannot be edited.

      • Upon entry to the Edit Screen, the user’s previous selections are shown to them and editable

    • Behavior

      • All Benchmark Tab selections are editable until first data integration occurs, then settings are established for the school year and cannot be edited.

      • Upon entry to the Edit Screen, the user’s previous selections are shown to them and editable

  2. Field Mapping Tab

    • Upload Sample Template

      • If editing, User sees the previous selections upon entry

      • Upload Sample button is available

      • Clicking the Upload Sample button will upload the new data set, thereby replacing the previous

      • If User replaces the old data set with a new data set, then User sees the default screen where new selections need to be made for: Select Field mapping (required), Tooltip (optional), Add Note(optional), and Custom Fields (optional).

    • Required Fields:

      • Required fields remain the same for each of the Assessments (Attendance, Behavior, ELA, Math)

    • Show Tooltip:

      • Tooltip is available to select/deselect and add/edit existing text

    • Select Field: Dropdown contains the headings from the most recent Upload Sample Template

      • Select Field is available for edit

      • User clicks on Select field dropdown arrow and makes a selection

    • Add Note: Clicking Add note opens an optional text enter box

      • Add Note is available for edit

      • During editing with existing data set, user clicks inside Add Note text box and updates Add note contents

      • During editing with a new data set, the Add Note has been restored to default state and user can create a new note for the new Select Field value.

      • User types note and selects Save to have note appear

    • Add Custom Field: Opens an additional line to Custom enter the Field, optional text entry field description, Show Tooltips checkbox, Select field dropdown, and Add Note.

      • If the existing data set remains and User has included Custom Fields, , then Add Custom Field shows User their inputs and is available to add new/ edit/delete

      • If the data set is replaced, then any previous custom fields that were from the previous data set are removed and Custom Fields is restored to the default.

    • Save button: Saves all work edited work completed

    • Cancel button: Removes all edited work completed and restores to the previous saved entry


User Interaction and Validation Notes: Integration Settings Benchmark Tab

ELA and Math Assessments:

  • When editing is selected, the User’s previous selections are shown and able to be edited

  • Given user makes changes to quantity field, our default settings change to match.

  • Quantity Changes only

    • Given the Quantity field is changed (options: 3 (default), 4,, 5, 6), then the number of lines for Benchmark Label (optional field), Percentile Range or Raw Score, and Tier Mapping are updated to match

    • Given the Quantity field is changed, then the ranges for Percentile Range or Raw Score are changed to match.

    • For Percentile Range: 100/Quantity Field selection=range for each Benchmark Level

      • Example 3: 100/3=33 range for each;

        • Benchmark Label 1 (Tier 1): 68-100

        • Benchmark Label 2 (Tier 2): 34-67,

        • Benchmark Label 3 (Tier 3): 0-33

      • Example 4: 100/4=25 range for each:

        • Benchmark Label 1 (Tier 1): 76-100,

        • Benchmark Label 2 (Tier selected by user; T1 or T2 possible): 51-75,

        • Benchmark Label 3 (Tier selected by user; multiple possibilities depending on preceding selection; cannot be Tier 1) : 26-50,

        • Benchmark Label 4 (Tier 3): 0-25.

      • Example 5: 100/5=20 range for each:

        • Benchmark Label 1 (Tier 1): 81-100,

        • Benchmark Label 2 (Tier selected by user; T1, T2 possible) : 61-80,

        • Benchmark Label 3 (Tier selected by user; multiple possibilities depending on preceding selections for Benchmark Label 2) : 41-60,

        • Benchmark Label 4 (Tier selected by user: cannot be T1: 21-40,

        • Benchmark Label 5 (Tier 3): 0-21

      • Example 6: 100/6=16.7 round to 17 for all expect Benchmark Label 1:

        • Benchmark Label 1 (Tier 1) 89-100,

        • Benchmark Label 2 (Tier selected by user: T1 or T2 possible): 71-88,

        • Benchmark Label 3 (Tier selected by user: multiple possibilities depending on preceding selection for Benchmark label 2): 53-70

        • Benchmark Label 4 (Tier selected by user: multiple possibilities depending on preceding selections): 36-52

        • Benchmark Label 5 (Tier selected by user: CANNOT be T1, if T2 has not yet been selected in preceding, then it must be T2): 18-35

        • Benchmark Label 6 (Tier 3): 0-17

  • Given Scoring Type has changed from Percentile Range to Raw Score, then Min Score and Max Score need entered in order to present user the default Score ranges for their data set

  • Given Scoring Type has changed from Raw Score to Percentile Range, then we show the default settings for Percentile range WITH the current Quantity selection.

    • Example: Given Scoring Type is changed for Raw Score to Percentile Range and the Quantity selected is 4, then we show the default settings for a Quantity of 4. (See Example 4 from above)

  • For Raw Score with Min Score and Max Score fields unchanged: Max-Min/Quantity Field =range for each Benchmark Level

    • Follow standard rounding rules. If Max-Min range/Quantity produces a remainder then Benchmark Label 1 is the exception for what is left. (See Example 6 from above)

  • Min Score and/or Max Score Changes

    • Given the Min Score and/or Max Scores are changed during editing, then the Score Ranges for Benchmark Labels are re-calculated to suit the new range for Max Score-Min Score AND we show the calculation for the value selected in Quantity field (3, 4, 5, or 6)

  • Edits to ELA/Math Assessment must be completed prior to the first data integration; once the first data integration occurs the Settings the District Level Admin has selected are applied for the school year.

Attendance Assessment:

  • If user selects a different Type (Percentage Based or Days Based), then the Benchmark lines below adjust to match. (Example: Change from Percentile Range to Total Days as the headings)

  • Given User selects a different Type (Percentage Based or Days Based), then we show the default values for that type (Percentage Ranges or Day ranges)

    • Percentage Based Selected:

      • Percentage ranges are:

        • 0% to 9% Tier 1

        • 10% to 14% Tier 2

        • 15% to 100% Tier 3

    • Days Based Selected:

      • Total Days are:

        • 0 to 4 Tier 1

        • 5 to 9 Tier 2

        • 10 Tier 3

  • Edits to Attendance Assessment must be completed prior to the first data integration; once the first data integration occurs the Settings the District Level Admin has selected are applied for the school year.

Behavior Assessment:

  • When editing is selected, the Users previous selections for Incident Occurrences and Return to Tier 1 are shown to them and are editable.

  • Edits to Behavior Assessment must be completed prior to the first data integration; once the first data integration occurs the Settings the District Level Admin has selected are applied for the school year.


User Interaction and Validation Notes: Integration Settings Field Mapping Tab

Upload Sample template button: Required: csv,

  • If a new data set is uploaded, it replaces the existing data set

  • If new data set is uploaded, then those headings prefill the Select field drop down

  • Users select fields from Select field drop down to map to the required fields

  • All optional fields are returned to the default state when a new data set replaces the existing one (Add Custom Field, Tooltips, Add note)

Required Fields:

  • If new data set is uploaded during Editing, then Select Field dropdown contains the headings for the new data set

  • Mapping Select Field value to Required field is required or error message shown

  • Error Message reads: Required field

  • If no new data set is uploaded during Editing, then Select Field is editable.

Show Tooltip: optional, shows text entry box when clicked

  • Given a new data set is entered, then the existing Tooltips are removed and Tooltips are restored to the default

  • Given no new data set has been entered and Tooltips were not selected, then the Tooltips are available for selection

  • Given no new data set has been entered and Tooltips were selected, then the Tooltips are available for selection/deselection or editing

  • Tooltip textbox entries have no character limits

Select Field: Require, dropdown contains all of the labels from the most recent uploaded sample template

Add Note: Optional; shows text entry box when clicked

  • During editing, if user selects a different field for an existing data set and the Add Note was used, then the Add Note for the previous selection is removed

  • During editing if the user has uploaded a new data set, then all Add notes entered are removed and the default settings restored

  • During editing, Users can remove note by clicking Cancel

  • During editing, selecting Save will update the Add note and show it beneath Select Field

  • During editing, selecting Cancel will remove the Add note and restore it to the default state

Add Custom Field: optional, if selected shows fields to text enter: Custom Label, Custom Description, Show Tooltip, Select Field, Add note

  • If new data set is entered, then all custom fields from previous data set are removed and Add Custom Field is restored to default state

  • If no new data set is entered, then all custom fields remain and are editable

Save button: Save button saves all updates made

Cancel button: Cancels all updates made


Workflow Description

  1. Select Assessment from Assessment Link

    • User clicks on the line from the Assessment List Page

  2. Edit Existing Assessment Integration

    • User edits Metadata (Optional: Description only),

    • User edits Integration Settings including all fields for Benchmarks and Field Mapping. User can also upload a new data setting and establish new Field Mapping specification.

    • Add edits must be completed prior to first data integration. Once first data integration occurs, then the selections are locked for the school year.

  3. Save Edits

    • Select Save button to Update all edits made to Metadata, Benchmarks and Field Mapping