Interactive Worksheet Review


The interactive worksheet is a digital tool within the Student Center that allows students complete an Interactive Worksheet activity, whether it was assigned by a teach or selected in the Explore tab. Once the Interactive Worksheet is submitted, the student can send a discussion message to their teacher or Edit the assignment.



Epic 193777: Student Center

Acceptance Criteria

  • The worksheet dynamically changes to reflect the assigned interactive content.

  • An "Edit" button allows for modification of the assignment.

  • A discussion panel is available for student-teacher communication.

  • All input fields must save and retain data upon exiting or navigating away from the worksheet.

  • The system notifies the teacher when a student sends a message through the discussion panel.

UI Description

  • Main Interface:

    • The interactive worksheet displays in the center of the screen viewport.

    • A right sidebar for discussions with a text input field and send button.

    • A "Go back" button to return to the previous page.

  • Editing:

    • An "Edit" button to enable text entry within the input fields.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Worksheet Interaction:

    • Ensure text fields are editable upon clicking the "Edit" button.

      • Warning message shows: Are you sure? Clicking this button will mark this assignment as In Progress.

        • User selects Yes or No, take me back.

      • Yes selected: Interactive Worksheet is in the In-Progress mode

      • No, take me back selected: User remains on submitted screen with Edit button and discussion panel.

    • Validate that inputs are saved automatically when the student navigates away from the worksheet.

  • Discussion Panel:

    • Confirm that the discussion panel allows for real-time messaging.

    • Validate that messages sent through the discussion are delivered to the teacher's inbox with notification.

    • Messages sent by student or teacher before the student makes edits should remain in the discussion panel.

  • General Usability:

    • Check that the "Go back" button returns the user to the correct previous location within the Student Center.

Workflow Description

  1. Accessing the Worksheet:

    • The student selects the assigned worksheet from the Student Center, which loads with the specific interactive content.

  2. Editing Worksheet:

    • Upon clicking the "Edit" button, the student can edit any text input fields or interactive worksheet fields.

    • Interactive worksheet actions and tool bar return to the screen.

  3. Communication:

    • The student uses the discussion panel to send messages to their teacher, which prompts a notification in the teacher's inbox.

    • Discussion panel shows after interactive worksheet submission.

  4. Navigation:

    • The student can navigate away from the worksheet at any time using the "Go back" button, with all input data retained.