SEL Self-Assessment


The SEL Self-Assessment interface is being revamped to create a more inviting student user experience. The SEL Self-Assessment interface is designed to deliver a 45-question assessment, with features to enhance accessibility and usability for students, such as text to speech and Spanish translations.

User Story

As a student, I want to complete the SEL self-assessment with clear progress tracking, the ability to have questions read aloud in English or Spanish, and the option to navigate through questions easily, so I can effectively reflect on my Social and Emotional skills.



Epic 193777: Student Center

UI Description

  • Question Card:

    • A question card in the center displays one assessment question at a time.

    • Each question card shows the question number (e.g., 4/45) and a progress bar below the question card, filling incrementally as questions are completed.

    • The card includes the question prompt and multiple-choice answer options.

    • A clickable button for language toggle:

      • "Cambiar al español" button when English is shown on the question card.

      • “Change to English” button when Spanish is shown on the question card.

    • A volume icon for text-to-speech functionality accompanies each question .

  • Answer Selection:

    • Answer choices are listed on the card.

    • Answer Choice Selections: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree

    • Selected answer choice is highlighted in orange-yellow to indicate selection.

  • Navigation:

    • Back and forward arrow buttons are included for question navigation.

  • Sidebar Layout

    • The sidebar includes a back navigation link to the assignments page and the Self-Assessment title.

    • A sidebar with an option to collapse allows for a more focused view of the question card.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Answer Selection:

    • Upon clicking an answer choice, it should immediately change to orange-yellow to visually confirm the selection.

    • The selected answer should be saved even when navigating between questions.

  • Language and Accessibility:

    • The language toggle button should switch the language of the question and answer choices between English and Spanish.

    • Text-to-speech should activate upon clicking the volume icon and read the question in the set language.

  • Navigation:

    • Students must be able to move back and forth between questions using the arrows without losing selected answers.

    • Progress bar should update in real-time as each question is answered.

  • Validation:

    • Ensure language toggle changes all text on the card and activates the correct text-to-speech language.

    • Verify that the progress bar accurately represents the number of questions completed.

    • Test navigation buttons for functionality and ensure they save the current state of the assessment.

Workflow Description

  1. Beginning the Assessment:

    • The student starts the assessment, sees the first question e.g., 1/45, and the progress bar indicates the start (0%, empty bar).

  2. Engaging with Questions:

    • The student reads and selects an answer. If needed, they toggle the language or activate text-to-speech by clicking on the icon.

    • The progress bar fills as each question is answered. The current question number is displayed.

  3. Navigation Through Assessment:

    • The student navigates the assessment using back and forward arrow buttons, with the option to change answers to previous questions.

  4. Assessment Completion:

    • After answering the last question, the student is presented with an end-of-assessment message, “Great Job! You’re all done!” with a Finish button that navigates the user back to the assignments page of the student center.