Classroom Page

The Classroom page will be redesigned for customers with access to only the SEL platform. This page is accessed via the Left Hand Navigation Menu.

For all customers with access to the SEL platform, a menu will appear at the top of the page for classroom reporting.

The elements listed will be:

  • SEL Quizzes

  • Incident Reporting

  • SEL Assessments

For customers who only have access to SEL Platform, the buttons listed will be:

*Clicking on red dot icon will take you to incident reporting.

*Clicking on graph icon will take you to view progress.

*Clicking on Lesson Library will take you to the Student Library.

*Clicking on Assessment will take you to the SEL assessment.

*Clicking on Student Center will display a pop up for student credentials:

For customers with access to the Base SPED platform (or Base SPED + SEL), the layout remains with same with one addition: The data button will produce a drop down for incident tracking or data express.