Student Report | Staff Reports | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

We need to add a log of all incidents and actions for a student in the behavior support area. We will also need to update the existing incident log in View Progress to reflect this new design.




Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to skills, behavior, SEL, or MTSS Interventions and permission to View reports, I will be able to view the student reports

  • Given I am a user with access to skills, behavior, SEL, or MTSS Interventions and I do not have permission to View reports, I will not be able to view student reports

Open Report


  • From behavior support section for a specific student, the user may click on View Incidents (Incidents block) for any of the tiers.

  • Alternatively, the user may click on Incidents under recommended tools

  • The user may also click on Incident Reports in View Progress.


  • Here, they will see the Incident Report for this student.


Business Rules

  • Any user with permission to View Reports (under Behavior Support) and who belongs to a building that has purchased skills, behavior, SEL, or MTSS Interventions will have access to this section

  • We will default to Incidents.

  • Location filter should be All, then default and custom locations logged for students from classroom in abc order

Adjust the Date


  • We will show a report for Incidents and one for Actions

  • The user may click on Past 30 days to change the date range.

    • They will see the pre-set options of:

      • Today

      • Yesterday

      • Past 7 Days

      • Past 30 Days

      • Past 90 Days

      • Past Year

    • Alternatively they may enter a custom date range by clicking two dates as a start and end date on the calendar.

  • Once the date range has been changed, we will see this reflected on the report (in place of the text Past 30 Days).


Business Rules

  • Date will default to past 30 days

  • Date range cannot be in the future.

Total Number of Incidents


  • The user will see the number of incidents that occurred within the selected date range


  • If no incidents were reported within the date range, the user will see a congratulatory message.

Business Rules

  • We will show the number of incidents that occurred for this student in any classroom (or if no classroom was selected) within the date range.




Incidents Tab


  • Below the total number of incidents, the user will see the name of each incident type reported for this student within the date range & the number of occurrences for each incident type for this student.


  • If the user clicks on the down arrow next to an incident, it will expand to show the date and time (if available) of each incident for this student the action taken.

  • Next to View Report, we will show the approval status of Approved, Pending Approval, or Denied


  • If the user clicks “View report,” the Incident Report for that occurrence will show in a modal.

  • If the user clicks the up arrow next to an incident, the details will collapse/hide.

Business Rules

  • Incidents is the default tab

  • By default, all incidents will be collapsed & no details will show.

  • Any incident recorded prior to the launch of incident report templates will use the Rethink default incident report template.

  • If the incident report includes a student the user does not have access to, that student’s first and last name will be redacted.

  • Any user with permission to Approve Report (under Incident Reports) will see the options: Pending Approval, Approved, or Denied

    • If this user views a report that is pending approval, they will see the approval screen & have the option to approve or deny.

  • Any user without permission to Approve Report (under Incident Reports) will see the status of: Pending Approval, Approved, or Denied

  • Location filter should be All, then default and custom locations logged for students from classroom in abc order


Actions Tab


  • When the user clicks the Actions button, the user will be taken to the actions report.


  • Below the total number of incidents, they will see the name of each action reported within the date range for that student and the number of occurrences for each action for that student.

  • If the user clicks on the down arrow next to an action, it will expand to show the date and time (if available) of each action and the incident type the action was reported for this student.

  • Next to View Report, we will show the approval status of Approved, Pending Approval, or Denied


  • If the user clicks “View report,” the Incident Report for that occurrence will show in a modal.


  • If the user clicks the up arrow next to an action, the details will collapse/hide.

Business Rules

  • By default, all actions will be collapsed & no details will show.

  • Any incident recorded prior to the launch of incident report templates will use the Rethink default incident report template.

  • If the incident report includes a student the user does not have access to, that student’s first and last name will be redacted.

  • Location filter should be All, then default and custom locations logged for students from classroom in abc order



  • If the user clicks the print button, a PDF of the report will show

  • The report will show the rethink ed logo in the upper left corner and a heading of STUDENT FIRST NAME LAST INITIAL’S Incident Report Log

  • We will show a sub-heading with the date range

Business Rules

  • We will print the report based on the date range selected

  • We will print the report with all incidents/actions expanded (showing all details)

  • We will not print the print/export buttons and we will not print the edit/delete buttons

  • We will print the report we are currently viewing. Meaning, if we are viewing the incidents tab, this is the report we will print.



  • If the user clicks the export button, they will be prompted to download an excel file

  • Incidents

    • We will show a column for:

      • Incident Type

      • Date

      • Time

      • Action Taken

  • Actions

    • We will show a column for

      • Action Taken

      • Date

      • Time

      • Incident Type

Business Rules

  • We will export the report based on the date range and tab (actions or incidents) selected

  • We will sort the list by date, with the most recent incident/action at the top


Old Incidents Needs Notes


  • User clicks on type tab to show incident type.



  • User clicks on Actions tab to show actions taken.




Business Rules:

  • Notes section from old incident reports will carry over into new incidents product for the incident type tab.

  • Notes section from old incident reports will carry over into new incidents product for the actions type tab.