Baseline Data Settings and Usage.

Baseline Data Settings and Usage.

Setting Baseline Criteria

The Baseline Criteria fields were created to allow for baseline parameters to be used and ensure a prompt is received once said criteria is met. This prompt will be provided within the DATA ENTRY tab and functions as a signal to the clinician allowing for review and/or edits to the program prior to moving out of the baseline phase. This feature can be used for both skill and behavior based programs.

Skill Acquisition

Every skill program has a default Baseline Criteria set to: At least 0 (percent, minutes, etc.) across 3 consecutive sessions. This criteria can be edited within the program. If it is intended that Baseline Criteria be set, then at least one active target must be added to the program.

If you set Baseline Criteria without the auto-switch feature (explained below), then when baseline criteria is met a prompt will be provided within the DATA ENTY tab alerting for a data decision to be made. As a reminder, this prompt is typically utilized as an opportunity for the clinician to review baseline data and edit the program appropriately prior to moving out of baseline.

NOTE: If you do not wish to set baseline criteria, you will need to manually delete the numerical values from all fields

BL Criteria.png
Prompt for BL Criteria.png


Behavior Support

Every behavior program has a default Baseline Criteria set to: At least 0 (occurrences, intervals, etc.) across 10 consecutive sessions. This criteria can be edited accordingly. Unlike skill acquisition programs, you DO NOT need to add a goal to set Baseline Criteria for Behavior Support programs.

If you set Baseline Criteria AND have the Auto-switch feature disabled , when baseline criteria is met you will receive a prompt in the DATA ENTY tab alerting you to make a data decision. As a reminder, this prompt is typically utilized as an opportunity for the clinician to review baseline data and edit the program appropriately prior to moving out of baseline.

NOTE: If you do not wish to set baseline criteria, you will need to manually delete the numerical values from all fields.


Auto-Switch from Baseline to Intervention

The Auto-Switch Baseline to Intervention feature allows for an automatic move between phases based on the baseline mastery criteria set for the program (discussed above). Baseline Criteria is required to be set in conjunction with the use of auto-switch. The auto-switch feature can be used for both skill and behavior based programs.

Skill Acquisition

When intending to use the auto-switch feature for skill based programs, the program will require the following fields:

  1. The auto-switch box will need to be selected

  2. Baseline Criteria will need to be set

  3. An active target will need to be added

Once Baseline Criteria has been met, the program will automatically move to the first target within the list and a prompt will be provided notifying the data collector. The data collector will need to select OK, Thanks! to begin collecting intervention data on that first target.


Important Note: This feature requires a predetermined mastery criteria and target(s) be set prior to obtaining baseline data which could potentially lead to an over or under estimation regarding the goal parameters. Due to this, we would strongly recommend that if you place programs to be auto switched from baseline, you allow for manual observation of baseline data should edits to the mastery criteria and/or target(s) be required.

Behavior Support

When intending to use the auto-switch feature for behavior based programs, the program will require the following fields:

  1. Baseline Criteria will need to be set for the program

  2. An initial goal/objectives will need to be added to the program

  3. The auto-switch box will need to be selected

    1. The auto-switch box will not be available for selection until the above two prerequisites are set

Important Note: This feature requires a predetermined goal to be set prior to obtaining baseline data which could potentially lead to an over or under estimation regarding the goal parameters. Due to this, we would strongly recommend that if you place behaviors to be auto switched from baseline to that preset behavior goal, you allow for manual observation of baseline data should edits to those parameters be required.


Once Baseline Criteria has been met, the program will automatically move to the Plan and a prompt will be provided notifying the data collector. The data collector will need to select OK, Thanks! to begin collecting intervention data for the plan.



Back Dating the Move out of Baseline

If entering in historical program data for a client, whether baseline or intervention data, changing the date is required to do first. Since every new program in Rethink begins in baseline, back-dating the move from baseline to intervention is required should historical intervention data need to be entered. Intervention data cannot be logged for a date prior to the date the program was moved from baseline to intervention.

IMPORTANT: Backdating the move out of baseline can only occur on the web browser, not the mobile app

To back date for both skill and behavior goals:

  1. Select the program from the Data Entry Tab

  2. select the Calendar Icon in the top right corner of the program

  3. Select the previous date needed

  4. Then move from baseline to the first target for the program

Manually Switching on the Web Browser

Skill Acquisition Programs

NOTE: Whether baseline criteria is set or auto-switch is on, you can manually switch from baseline to intervention at any point prior to criteria being met or the auto-switch feature

To move out of baseline:

  1. Select the Data Entry tab in a client’s profile and find the program on the left-hand side you’d like to switch from baseline to intervention



  2. You’ll notice the “Baseline” option to the right of the program. If you’d like to move out of baseline immediately (without collecting baseline data - or because you already collected baseline data) click on the drop down menu.

  • NOTE: If you’d like to stay in baseline, but back-date previously collected baseline data, no need to move out of baseline now, just back-date and enter


  1. Choose the target(s) you would like to start to work on, check the box next to the name of the target

  • Select multiple targets if you want to open multiple targets at the same time

  • If there are no targets listed in that drop down, it means no targets have been added to the program and that will need to be completed prior to moving out of baseline

  1. Once a box has been selected, a pop-up will appear that will ask you to switch from baseline to teaching data, click YES:

Behavior Support Programs

1) First, make sure an intervention PLAN has been created and that a GOAL has been added. Goal is added in Step 5 of the Behavior Support Template (A goal needs to be created so a plan can move from baseline to the goal)

PLAN (Step 1):


GOAL (Step 5):

2) Go to Data Entry tab and select the desired Behavior Support program 


3) Click on the drop down and select the intervention plan you would like to work on

4) The same pop up will appear noting that once you switch to intervention data, you will no longer be able to enter Baseline data.

5) Select "Yes" and you will now be recording intervention data for Behavior Support programs! 

Manually Switching on the Mobile App


Moving from Baseline to Intervention can also be completed on the Mobile App as long as targets exist for the goal.

NOTE: You can manually switch from baseline to intervention at any point, even prior to Baseline Mastery Criteria being met or the program having the Auto-switch feature selected.

1.) Once a program has been selected on the Mobile App, click the orange gear to the left of the program name.

2.) At the top, you will see the Baseline and Teaching options.

3.) Toggle over to the Teaching option to make the switch

4.) The same pop-up will display to confirm the switch. Press yes, to continue.

NOTE: The capability of back-dating the date of when the program was moved from baseline to intervention can only be achieved on the Web Browser

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