Delete Raw Data and Phase Change Lines.

Delete Raw Data and Phase Change Lines.

Specific permissions are needed to be able to delete your own data collected for a client, as well as, an additional permissions to be able to delete other staff member's data for a client. Deleting data can only occur on the website/web browser, not the mobile app.

To delete data or phase change lines, first navigate to the client's profile and select the DATA ENTRY tab

1) Select the Program from the menu on the left and select VIEW DATA

2) In the Data Pop-up, scroll below the graph, and click on the arrow next to areas that may read: Show Baseline Data, Show Objective Data, Show Goal Data, Target Data or Phase Line:

3) With the arrows collapsed down, you will see the Raw Data details with the option to Delete the data points (unless Mastery Criteria has been met, in that case - see guide for "Unmaster Targets" ):

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