Trend Lines.

Trend Lines.

Trend lines can be added for both skill and behavior programs.

Adding a trend line on the graph can occur within the View Data option of a program or within the Analyze Data tab of a Client’s profile

Trend lines require at least 3 data points and can be added across phases or within phases

This resource will review how to add trend lines for graphing purposes.

Adding a Trend Line



Additional Notes



Additional Notes


Adding a Trend line can be completed in either the View Data option of a program or the Analyze Data tab of a client profile and then generating a graph









When the graph is created, in either area, you will see a Customize option in the top right corner

Image from the Analyze Data Tab
Image from View Data of a Behavior Plan




You can select for the trendline to be across all phases or, if multiple phases, within each phase


Make the selection by checking the check box to the left of the option



Example of Across Phases


Example of Within Each Phase Selection



Only one can be selected at a time

If there are not multiple phases, only the Across All Phases will be available, the other will be grayed out


Trend lines can be added to both Target Specific Graphs and Combination Graphs


To remove a Trend line, simply de-select the box within the Customize option of the graph








FAQs on Trend Lines

Q: Where in Rethink can I add a trend line to my data?

A: You can add a trend line in view data and analyze for skills and behaviors

Q: What are the different options for adding a trend line to a skill or behavior graph?

A: In view data and analyze data, users can add a trend line across all phases or within each phase.

Q: Is there a minimum requirement to add a trend line?

A: Yes, there is a minumum requirement of 3 data points in order to add a trend line.

Q: What types of graphs can I add trend lines?

A: In View data, you can add trend lines to skill acquisition combination graphs, target specific graphs, maintenance and behavior reduction graphs.

In Analyze data, you can add trend lines to skill acquisition combination graphs, target specific graphs, maintenance graphs, skill acquisition & behavior reduction graphs by sesssion, day, week, month, and year.

Q: Can you export your graph images with trend lines on them?

A: Yes, after adding a trend line in both view data and analyze, you are able to export the images and the graphs will be saved with the trend lines shown.