Mobile App Video Tutorial

Mobile App Video Tutorial

Learn how to complete appointments & session notes through the mobile app.

*Please note that the app is intended to work offline and is not the ‘live’ environment of Rethink’s website. The app must be opened while within WIFI range so that appointments ‘download’ into the app. Data, verifications, and Session Notes then must be ‘synced’ so that when back in WIFI range they will upload back into the website. We encourage frequent opening of the app within WIFI range throughout the day, when possible, so that any updates through the website will appropriately update into the app.

**Appointments that are changed through the website after the user has downloaded appointments into the app will not reflect these changes in the app. Therefore, the app appointments will now upload back into the website as archived appointments. Read more here: Auto-Archived Appointments-Website Tutorial and here: Auto-Archived Appointments-Website Tutorial


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