Uncancel Appointments (Website-Desktop Only) Tutorial

Uncancel Appointments (Website-Desktop Only) Tutorial

On the Desktop application users with permission will have the ability to uncancel canceled appointments.

This feature is the result of customer feedback requesting they have the ability to uncancel appointments instead of sending requests to Rethink Support.



Good To Know



Good To Know


Set Company Account Permissions

Go to company account>scheduling>

See new option “Allow Staff to uncancel appointments”.


  • Toggle is turned on by default

  • Toggle in company account controls if the functionality will be available for the account.

  • If Toggle is turned “off”, no staff regardless of prior permissions will be able to uncancel appointments.

  • Staff must be provided permission in Company Account>Roles separately. (see #2)



Set Staff Role Permissions

Go to company account>Roles> click EDIT PERMISSIONS

Under scheduler permissions, click the “uncancel appointments”.

Then SAVE.



  • By default Role 4 has the permission selected

  • If company account toggle is Off, then the permission will not be visible in company account roles.

  • "View Calendar" and "View Appointments" permissions will be auto-selected IF they are not already selected at the time.


Manage Uncancel Reasons

In company account> scheduling

Scroll down to section “Uncancel Reasons”

To add a New Uncancel Reason click on “Add New Reason”

Then enter the “name”.


  • Uncancel reasons are required. If a reason is not selected, then the system will provide warning.


  • By default, all accounts will have four reasons prepopulated:

    • cancelled in error

    • change in availability

    • staff needs to take action on appointment

    • need access to connected data

  • These reasons were added to provide more visibility to admin staff running payroll and billing export reports that previously canceled appointments have been Uncancelled.

  • At least one reason must be active



Uncancel button

In a cancelled appointment, user with permission will see a button labeled “uncancel”.


  • This button is only visible for appointments which have been cancelled.

  • Only staff with permission to Uncancel appointments will see this button.

  • IF the company account toggle for uncancel feature is turned off, no users will see the uncancel button.


How to Uncancel Appointments

After clicking the uncancel button, the user will be given two prompts:

Prompt 1: Confirm you want to uncancel the appointment


Prompt 2: IF user selects “uncancel”, then user will need to select a reason for uncancelling the appointment.

Then click “Apply”

The system will update the appointment to its previous status before it was uncancelled.


The checkbox for “Uncancelled” will be selected with the reason user selected.


  • Super Important: When uncancelling appointments you now have the “power” to override any funder scheduling rules that were set to “ Do Not Allow”. The system will inform you when this occurs and you will have the option to not uncancel those appointments.

Why is this allowed? So users do not need to send tickets in to request this task be completed by Rethink which could take longer than customers desire.


Audit Trail Record- Uncancelled Appointment

When an appointment is uncancelled an “Uncancelled Appointment” record will be generated in the appointment audit trail.

AND the

Audit Trail Report (Reporting Dashboard)





Identify Uncancelled appointments in the Billing and Payroll Export

In the Billing Export>Validation Column

Uncancelled Appointments will display with the Validation

“Uncancelled-uncancel reason selected”


In the Payroll Export (Timesheet Entries and Non Payable Tab)> Alerts column

Uncancelled Appointments will display with Alert

“Uncancelled-uncancel reason selected”


  • In billing exports, the uncancel reason can be seen in the Validations column

  • In payroll exports, the uncancel reason can be seen in the alert column in the Timesheet Entries and Non Payable tabs.


Appointment List-Filter for Uncancelled Appointments

In the appointment list, select the new filter “show only Uncancelled appointments” if you want to only see Uncancelled appointments in the list view.




Viewing an uncancelled appointment on mobile browser.

On appointment details view in mobile browser, the user will be able to see if an appointment has been uncancelled, along with the reason the appointment was uncancelled.

  • Uncancel feature not currently available on mobile browser.


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