CLINICAL ONLY Client Profile Set Up

CLINICAL ONLY Client Profile Set Up

Understanding the Set Up Components for a Client Profile

Certain features of a client profile will impact your ability to invite caregivers to access profiles, leave client notes, and create Funder Reports within Rethink. The process below outlines the required steps to complete a client profile in preparation for the aforementioned items.



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Adding a Funder

(This section is added for the purposes of completing treatment reports within Rethink - Funders link the report template to the client)

From Clients, Select your client of choice, and Click on Funders from the menu on the left. Click the grey bar to Add a funder or click View if already added:

Edit the Funder Information. Select the appropriate Service Line(s) and complete all required fields ( * ):

Click Add when completed.

  • Add the SAMPLE FUNDER to clients

  • All information regarding the sample funder should be arbitrary

Optional: Adding Diagnoses

Click on Diagnosis from the menu on the left, then click “Add Diagnosis”.

On the Diagnosis pop up, you can search by description diagnosis code, or enter a custom code

Once you have entered a diagnosis name/code and selected at least one Service Line

Click submit to save the diagnosis to the client.

  • A funder and service line must first be assigned to the client before adding the diagnosis.

  • For more information on client diagnoses refer to How to Add Client Diagnosis

Optional: Contacts

To add in Contact information such as a Parent or Guardians, select Contacts from the menu on the left. Then click Add New Contact:

Enter information in the required fields. For the purpose of Creating a Parent Log in, entering the contact’s email is necessary. Once you enter the contact’s email, options for the parent portal will show up at the bottom of the pop-up. Check off that box if desired and click Add:

  • If the option for a portal account has been selected, the contact will receive an email with a web link to register. The link will expire after 48 hours in which case reselecting the option will send a new link.

Optional: Client Notes

Click on Notes from the menu on the left.

Click “Add New Notes” to create a new Client Note.

Complete the following Required fields:

  • Note Type

  • Title

  • Notes

THEN Click Save

  • Client Note Types can be created to categorize the type of notes users will be able to choose from in the Client Profile

  • If you do not see the Notes section, then you have not been given permissions to access this area. Please discuss with account administrator for access.

  • For more detailed information on client notes, refer to Managing Client Communication Notes








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