Rethink Use for Parents and Caregivers.
Providing a parent(s)/caregiver(s) access to Rethink is optional. To use Rethink as a parent, there are several steps from an administrative standpoint that need to be completed first.
This resource will review:
Step | Description | Good to Know | |
1 | Setting Up Parent Permissions
| Prior to inviting a parent/caregiver to use Rethink, first set permissions for their Role.Editing permissions are completed within the Company Account tab by administrative staff/leadership teamsRole 5 is the Role for Contacts. It is currently set with default permissions. You may edit these permissions if needed. See the Good to Know column to the right for a description of the defaulted permissions.
| Recommended Settings in Role 5:
2 | Preparing Client’s Profile for Parent Use | Prepare the Client’s profile for parent access (if needed). Tips on how to complete the below are in the Good to Know area
| Tips for preparing for Parent Access:If parents are to be collecting data, consider duplicating goals and retitling to have Parent Goal within the title. This way they would be collecting data within their own program versus a program a staff collected data within
Set up the Filing Cabinets Shared Folders section for parent viewing
Create a Custom Data Sheets for Parents.
3 | Granting Parent Access as a Contact
| The next step is granting individual parent access for each client. This requires both adding the contact in the system AND inviting them to use Rethink.For parents with multiple children in Rethink, a contact needs to be set up with each child using a different email address for each contact listed under a child. Each email address may only be used once.To add a parent as a contact, go to the CLIENT INFO TAB in the client’s profile and add a new contact.
Fill in all information needed. Make sure to ADD AN EMAIL ADDRESSSelect the option CREATE SYSTEM LOGIN FOR CONTACT
Once this is saved, the parent will automatically receive a registration email with a verification code from Rethink. They need to create their log in within 48 hours.
In red text “Contact registration sent on mm/dd/yy” will appear to record the date that the registration was sent out to the client contacts email.
In blue text “Registered contact” will appear when the client contact email has successfully been registered using the correct verification code sent to the registration email. | If a parent/contact does not create their log in within 48 hours, you’ll need to resend their verification code.You can view which code has expired within the individual contacts information This message will remain until the organization resends the verification code
Steps to Resend Verification Code: 1. Go back to their contact information in the client’s profile.2. Select the “Resend Verification Code to Create System Login for Contact” checkbox and Press Save.3. The parent should then receive a new registration email from Rethink, remind the parent to make sure they log in within 48 hours of receiving the email.
4 | Parent Facing Resources | After the account has been setup and prepared for a parent to use Rethink and you have invited them to create a login and password, provide them with an overview of the platform from their vantage point. Below is a resource to provide directly to parents (copy and share the web address) to assist them with learning how to use Rethink. This resource will go over:
Please note, what a parent/caregiver has access to is dependent on the permissions provided in Role 5. Should the parent require to learn more or less than this resource provides, further internal training will need to occur |