Permission Settings | Data Tracking | Behavior Suite

We need to simplify the settings in Behavior support and Data Express into one Data Settings.


User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to understand which roles have permission to which components, so I can ensure users have the proper level of access

  • As a user, I want to select which permission settings users assigned to a custom role have, so I can ensure users have the proper level of access

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user assigned to Skills, Behavior, and MTSS Interventions, I will see the Data section in permissions.

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role 7, I will have permission to record data and Manage Data/ Points.

  • Given I am a user assigned to roles 5 or 6, I will have permission to record data and Manage Data/Points for any user at a lower role level that I have access to in my building(s)

  • Given I am a user assigned to lead teacher, multi-account lead teacher, or case manager, I will have permission to Record and Manage Data/Points of any student they currently have access that was recorded by any user at lower role level

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will have permission to Record and Manage Data/Points of any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level assigned to their classroom

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will not have permission to Manage Data/ Points recorded by a user of a higher or equal role connected to their classroom

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will not have permission to Manage Data/ Points recorded by a user of a lower role NOT connected to their classroom

  • Given I am a paraprofessional, I will have permission to Record data

  • Given I am a paraprofessional, I will not have permission to Manage Data/Points

  • Given I am a user assigned to a custom role that previously had permission to Enter Data (Data Express), I will have permission to Record Data.

  • Given I am a user assigned to a custom role that previously had permission to Delete Others data (Data Express), I will have permission to Manage Data/Points.

  • Given I am a family member, I will NOT have permission to Record Data or Manage Data/Points

Data permissions


  • Please rename Data Express to Data Tracking

  • The Data permissions will be:

  1. Record Data (replaces Data express: Enter data): Record Date can only record data.

  2. Manage Data/Points ( replaces Data Express: Delete others data and unmaster target) Manage Data/Points can edit data they recorded and also edit data recorded by users with the Record Data Permission. Manage Data/Points can master and unmaster targets. Users with permission to Manage Data / Points can edit other user’s entries who have the same permission to Manage Data / Points.








Business Rules

  • Record Data allows users to enter data ( Points, skills, and behavior data) for all students they currently have access to and to view previously created data for all students they have access to. This also allows the user to delete data points that they entered.

  • Manage Data/Points allows users to edit/ delete data for any student they currently have access to that was entered by any user at a lower role level AND unmaster targets that were mastered by any user at a lower role level. Custom roles will only be able to edit/delete their own data and unmaster targets that they mastered.

  • Data section in permissions will show for Skills, Behavior, and MTSS Interventions

  • By default, Record Data will be enabled for the following roles:

    • Role7

    • Role 6

    • Role 5

    • Lead Teacher

    • Lead multi-account teacher

    • Multi-account teacher

    • Case Manager

    • Teacher

    • Related Service Provider

    • Paraprofessionals

    • Any custom role that currently has Data Express: Enter Data enabled

  • By default, Manage Data/ Points will be enabled for the following roles:

    • Role7

    • Role 6 ( of any user at lower level)

    • Role 5 ( of any user at lower level)

    • Lead Teacher ( for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to)

    • Lead Multi-account teacher ( for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to)

    • Case Manager ( or any student they currently have access that was recorded by any user at lower level)

    • Teachers ( for any student they currently have access that was recorded by any user at lower level assigned to their classroom)

    • Multi-account teachers ( of any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level assigned to their classroom)

    • Related Service Provider ( of any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level assigned to their classroom)

  • Family Members will NOT have permission to Record or Manage Data/Points

  • Any custom role that currently has access to Enter Data (Data Express)

    • Record Data

  • Any custom role that currently has access to Delete Others Data and Unmaster Target (Data Express)

    • Manage Data/Points

Permissions and Roles for Paraprofessionals, Custom Roles

  • Given user is a Role 2 (Paraprofessional) and has MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking/Behavior Plan enabled) and access to Data Express > Record Data, then they will see the Edit data button only for the data they entered.

  • Given user is a Role 2 (Paraprofessional) and has MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking/Behavior Plan enabled) and access to Data Express > Record, then they will see the Delete data button only for the data they entered.

  • Given user has a non-admin custom role and has MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking/Behavior Plan enabled) and access to Data Express → Record Data, then will see the record data button.

  • Given user has an admin custom role and has MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking/Behavior Plan enabled) and access to Data Express → Manage Data / Points, then they will be able to master and unmaster targets.

  • Given a legacy account has an admin custom role and has MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking/Behavior Plan enabled) and access to Data Express → Manage Data/Points, then they will be able to master and unmaster targets, edit, delete data entered by themselves and others.

  • Given a legacy account has a non-admin custom role and has MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking/Behavior Plan enabled) and access to Data Express → Record Data, then they will see the record data button and be able to Edit data they have entered.