Classroom Dashboard

This area is designed to allow users to complete Rethink tasks for an entire classroom instead of going into an individual student's dashboard. The purpose is to make Rethink easier to use in the classroom environment and provide teachers with classroom reporting tools.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a non-admin user assigned to this classroom AND I have permission to View Classrooms, I will see this page

  • Given I am a non-admin user NOT assigned to this classroom AND I have permission to View Classrooms, I will NOT see this page

  • Given I am an admin user with access to the building the classroom belongs to AND I have permission to View Classrooms, I will see this page

  • Given I am an admin user WITHOUT access to the building the classroom belongs to AND I have permission to View Classrooms, I will NOT see this page

  • Given a team member or student has been removed from the classroom, they will no longer be listed on this page

  • Given a user with a parent role has been assigned to a student in the class, they will be listed under Family Members

  • Given a user with a parent role has been unassigned from a student in the class, they will no longer be listed under Family Members

  • Given a student has moved to a building not associated with the classroom (non-admin classroom) OR has moved to a building the admin class owner does not currently have access to (admin classroom), the student will be removed from the classroom.

  • Given a student has been removed from the class, any user with a parent role assigned to the student will no longer be listed under Family Members

  • Given I am a user with permission to Manage Classrooms, I will see the edit button

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT permission to Manage Classrooms, I will NOT see the edit button

  • Given I am a user with permission to View My Students, I will be able to click on a student and access their dashboard

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT permission to View My Students, I will NOT be able to click on a student and access their dashboard

  • Given I am an admin user with a student who has recently moved building, I will see a pending message until the admin has permission to access student

  • Given an admin classroom has been created, I will only be able to view it if I am also the admin who created the classroom.

  • Given I am an admin user who created a classroom and my role has changed to a non-admin role, my classroom will be deleted


General Concept


  • We will show the following:

    • Classroom Name

    • Building

    • Team Members

    • Students- Will be linked to student page

    • Family Members

    • Assignments

    • Assessments

    • Incidents

    • Reports


  • Clicking on the name of a student will take the user to that student's dashboard.

  • Clicking the edit button will open the edit classroom modal

  • Clicking Delete will result in a confirmation message asking the user if they are sure they want to delete the classroom. Once the user confirms, the classroom will be deleted and the user will return to the Classrooms area.

  • Integrated classrooms cannot be modified and will show the lock symbols


Business Rules

  • Any team member assigned to the classroom will have access to this page.

  • The Classroom Name will display the name of the classroom

  • Building will list the Building the classroom belongs to

  • Team Members will list all team members currently assigned to the classroom

  • If a team member no longer has access to the building the classroom is associated with, they will be removed from the classroom.

  • Students will list all students currently assigned to the classroom

  • Family Members will list any user with the role parent/caregiver (Role 1) AND who are currently assigned to at least 1 student in the classroom. Family Members will not have access to the classroom - this list is to show teachers which family members are connected to their students & will set us up for messaging to family members in the future.

  • Users with permission to Manage Classroom will see the Edit & delete buttons

  • Classrooms created via integration will show the lock icon. These classrooms will not have an edit or delete button.

  • Users with permission to View My Students will be able to click on the students to access the student dashboard.

  • We will not show groups or announcements for this launch - these will come later

  • Users can click on each student to visit their individual page

Admin Classrooms


  • When students change buildings, until the admin’s permission is confirmed, the admin will see a pending message

  • When the admin hovers over the I icon, they will see the pending message popup

  • Once the permission is confirmed, the word pending, message, and icon will disappear and the admin will be able to access the student


Business Rules

  • Admin will not have access to the student when the pending message is shown next to the name

  • Admin will have access to any students without the pending message

  • If a student in an admin classroom moves to a building the admin does not currently have access to, the student will be removed from the classroom.

  • If an admin’s role changes to a non-admin role, their admin classroom will be deleted & cannot be restored.