Classrooms Landing Page

We will add a new section to the site called Classrooms. This is an area where users can view reports on the students in their class, access classroom-wide tools, and (later) send announcements to the class.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who has access to Skills, Behavior, SEL, or Mental Health Lessons AND I have permission to View Classrooms, I will see Classrooms in my upper nav

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE access to Skills, Behavior, SEL, or Mental Health Lessons AND I have permission to View Classrooms, I will NOT see Classrooms in my upper nav

  • Given I am a user who does not currently have access to any classrooms, I will see the empty state

  • Given I am a user who has permission to Manage Classrooms, I will see the Add Classroom button

  • Given I am a user who DOES NOT HAVE permission to Manage Classrooms, I will NOT see the Add Classroom button


Upper Nav


  • We will add an option called Classrooms to the admin nav

  • And non-admin nav

  • Clicking on this button will take the user to the classroom landing page

Business Rules

  • Classrooms will show if the user belongs to a building that has student licenses allocated (for any product) and if the user has permission to View Classrooms


Landing Page


  • Here, the user will see a list of all existing classrooms, and a button to create a new classroom

  • Admin View

    • Users will see the # of classrooms that exist and may search for a classroom by name

    • Users may also see any of their own classrooms under My Classrooms

Integrated Classrooms

  • Users will need to select to search by Team Member or Classroom name

  • The default will be Classroom Name


  • Non-Admin View

    • Users will see a list of classrooms they are assigned to

    • Users may also search for classrooms by name

  • For each classroom, we will see:

    • Classroom Name

    • Number of team members assigned to the classroom

    • Number of students assigned to the classroom

    • Number of family members associated with the classroom

  • Clicking on a classroom will take the user to the classroom dashboard

  • Clicking on Add Classroom will take the user to the add classroom modal

Business Rules

  • Admin users will have access to all non-admin classrooms in all buildings they currently have access to as well as any admin classrooms they have created for themselves.

  • Non-admin users will have access to all classrooms to which they are currently assigned

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will see the Add Classroom button

Empty State


  • If no classrooms exist, the user will see the empty state

  • Admins


  • Non-Admins

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will see the add classroom button