Classroom Incidents

We will add an option to access Incidents on the Classroom and Group Dashboards. This will allow users to quickly record and view results for an entire group of students.

Classroom/Group Dashboard


  • On the Classroom and Group Dashboard, we will show an option called Incidents.
  • Clicking on Incidents takes the user to the Incidents Page.

Business Rules

  • This option will be visible to users with permission to View or Edit Incident Tracking

Incidents Page


  • Clicking on Incidents takes the user to the Classroom Incident Reporting Page.

Business Rules

  • If a user navigates to this screen from the Group Dashboard, only those students assigned to the group will show in the report results and in the student list for record incident.
  • This works exactly as it does currently. The only change is that we can now also access this page for a group of students.
  • We will count against licenses.