Lesson Library | Add Whil to SEL

We need to add a new lesson type called Mindfulness to the lesson library. This is where we will house the Whil content.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to preview mindfulness student resources, so I have a sense of what is available to assign

  • As a user, I want to assign mindfulness resources to my students, so I can supplement their social emotional learning lessons

  • As a user, I want to save mindfulness student resources to my playlist, so I can come back and review them again later on

Acceptance Criteria:

  • As a user with access to SEL Lessons and permission to view the library, I will see Mindfulness as a new lesson type in the library

  • As a user WITHOUT access to SEL Lessons, I will NOT see Mindfulness as a lesson type in the library

  • As a user who has selected Mindfulness for the first time, the domain filter will be set to All Domains and the Area filter will not show

  • As a user who has selected a Domain, the area filter will show and will be set to All Areas

  • As a user who has not filtered by domain or area and who has not performed a search, I will see all Mindfulness lessons in the main display

  • As a user who has selected a domain, I will only see lessons from that domain in the main display

  • As a user who has selected an area, I will only see lessons from that area in the main display

  • As a user who has typed in a key word, I will see results that match that keyword based on the name of the lesson, name of the domain, or name of the area

Lesson Filters


  • In the Lesson Library, we will add a new lesson type called Mindfulness

  • Clicking on Mindfulness lesson type will display the Whil/Mindfulness lessons

  • Once the user has selected Mindfulness, they will have the option of selecting a domain

  • Once a Domain has been selected, the user may select an area

  • The user may also search for a lesson

Business Rules

  • This lesson type is visible to users with access to SEL Lessons (SEL SEL)

  • We will default to All Domains

  • If the user has selected a Domain, we will default to All Areas

  • Final list of domains and areas TBD

  • The user should be able to search across lesson name, domain name, and domain area

Main Display


  • In the main lesson display, we will show headers similar to the Abilities Lessons. Header should show MINDFULNESS followed by Domain Name | Area Name

  • Under the program name header, we will list all lessons within that domain and area

  • If the user clicks the View button, they will see the item in full screen

    • Video

    • PDF

    • Go Deeper

      • For Go Deeper, the user should be able to click to open any of the associated PDFs

  • Under the Actions menu, the user has the option to either Assign…

  • Or add to their playlist

Business Rules

  • If the user has selected All Domains, we will still list the headers for each domain and area with the relevant lessons listed below

  • Items to view can be videos, PDFs, or Go Deeper screen

  • Assign will function as it does for SEL and Mental Health lessons. Assigning a Mindfulness resource to a student should count against licenses for SEL Lessons


  1. Should we show a grade band? If so, what is that grade band?

  2. How should assign all work?