WA SEL Standards

We need to add the Washington State Social Emotional Health Standards to the SEL Library for customers located in the state of WA. Changes are needed in:

  • Lesson Library
  • Learning Plan
  • Progress Report

Lesson Library


  • In the Key, we need to show the symbol WSSEH
  • Show above symbol next to any lesson aligned to the standards
  • When a user clicks "Prep," we should the standards
    • Standards should be truncated to show only the Curriculum Area
    • Clicking on the Curriculum Area will expand the standard details:
      • Standard ID
      • Standard
      • Grade
      • Description

Business Rules

  • Standards will show for customers located in the state of WA
  • CASEL will no longer show for customers located in the state of WA
  • Standards will show for grade level selected/grade of student selected
    • For example, In Lesson Library (not student specific library), if k-2 is selected, any lesson aligned to a WSSEH  for grades K, 1, or 2 will display the WSSEH symbol
    • In the Student Specific Lesson Library, if the student is in grade 2, any lesson aligned to a WSSEH for grade 2 will display the WSSEH symbol
  • Standards alignment can be found on EdGate portal and attached to the platform request
  • The Sub-standard column on the spreadsheet will show for Curriculum Area
  • If the lesson is aligned to more than one standard, all standards the lesson is aligned to will appear

Learning Plan


  • Show WSSEH symbol next to any lesson name that aligns to a SEL Standard on the left-hand list of lessons

  • When lesson is expanded, show WSSEH symbol next to lesson name at top of page
  • Include the phrase Washington State Social Emotional Health Standards next to the Mark as IEP Box
  • Clicking on this phrase will open a pop-up that lists Curriculum Area
  • Clicking on Curriculum Area will expand to show the details:
    • Standard ID
    • Standard
    • Grade
    • Description

  • In the Key, display the WSSEH Symbol and the phrase Washington State Social Emotional Health Standards
  • On the print lessons list for "With Standards," each lesson should show the WSSEH symbol next to the lesson name

Business Rules

  • If a user adds a SEL lesson to the Learning Plan, any lesson aligned to a SEL Standard will display the WSSEH symbol
    • This will show for customers located in the state of WA
  • CASEL will no longer show for customers located in the state of WA
  • There are no limitations to which roles may view the standards information
  • The Sub-Standard column on the spreadsheet will show for Curriculum Area
  • If the lesson is aligned to more than one standard, all standards the lesson is aligned to will appear
  • The Description of Expectation column will show for Description
  • When printing a list of lessons and selecting "With Standards", lessons aligned to any standard will pull to the list.
  • If an account has access to SEL AND a Skills Library (Abilities, Inclusion, Academic, or Transition), we will show both Academic Standards (CCSS) and SEL Standards (WSSEH)
    • In Key, show WSSEH after CCSS
    • If a lesson aligns to both a WSSEH and a CCSS:
      • On Lesson List, display WSSEH symbol after CCSS
      • On Main Display
        • Display WSSEH symbol after CCSS next to lesson Name
        • Next to Mark as IEP Box, display Washington State Social Emotional Health Standards below Common Core State Standards

Progress Report


  • Once "Learning Standards" has been selected, the SEL Standards will appear under View Details
  • The heading for the section should be Washington State Social Emotional Health Standards
  • Under this heading, display the following fields:
    • Curriculum Area
    • Standard ID
    • Standard
    • Grade
    • Description

Business Rules

  • Any lesson aligned to a standard for the student's grade level will display the standards information under View Details
    • We will only show the grade the student is assigned to. Meaning, if a lesson aligns to standards for grades 3, 4, and 5, and the student is in Grade 3, we will only show the standard for grade 3.
  • If a lesson is aligned to both an academic standard AND a SEL Standard, the SEL Standards will fall below the Academic Standards (see image)