ELA Standards for SEL

We need include the ELA Standards in the following locations:

  • Lesson Library
  • Learning Plan
  • Progress Report

Lesson Library


  • In the Key, we need to show the symbol
  • Show symbol next to any lesson aligned to the standards

  • When a user clicks "Prep," we should the standards
    • Standards should be truncated to show only the Curriculum Area

    • Clicking on the Curriculum Area will expand the standard details:
      • Standard ID
      • Standard
      • Sub-Standard (if applicable)
      • Grade
      • Description
      • Rationale (if applicable)

Business Rules

  • Standards will show for customers located in the US
  • These standards will show in addition to any existing standards
  • Standards will show for grade level selected/grade of student selected
    • For example, In Lesson Library (not student specific library), if Grade 2 is selected, any lesson aligned to a standard for grade 2 will display the relevant symbol
    • In the Student Specific Lesson Library, if the student is in grade 2, any lesson aligned to a standard for grade 2 will display the relevant symbol
  • Standards alignment can be found on EdGate portal and attached to the platform request
  • Area/Domain column on the spreadsheet will show for Curriculum Area
  • If the sub-standard field is empty on the spreadsheet, this field will not populate on the site
  • If the rationale field is empty on the spreadsheet, this field will not populate on the site
  • If the lesson is aligned to more than one standard, all standards the lesson is aligned to will appear
  • Symbol and alignment will depend on State value provided in Jrich under Account Set Up.
    • For example, if state in Jrich is "Florida", then the account will show the symbol specific to FL. This symbol and corresponding state will be provided in the spreadsheet.

Learning Plan


  • Show the symbol next to any lesson name that aligns to a standard on the left-hand list of lessons

  • When lesson is expanded, show the relevant symbol next to lesson name at top of page
  • Include the text from the Standard Name column next to the Mark as IEP Box

  • Clicking on this phrase will open a pop-up that lists Curriculum Area

  • Clicking on Curriculum Area will expand to show the details:
    • Standard ID
    • Standard
    • Sub-Standard (if applicable)
    • Grade
    • Description
    • Rationale
  • In the Key, display the relevant symbol and the standard name

  • On the print lessons list for "With Standards," each lesson should show the relevant symbol next to the lesson name

Business Rules

  • If a user adds a SEL lesson to the Learning Plan, any lesson aligned to a standard will display the relevant symbol
    • This will show for customers based on their state
  • There are no limitations to which roles may view the standards information
  • The Area/Domain column on the spreadsheet will show for Curriculum Area
  • If the sub-standard field is empty on the spreadsheet, this field will not populate on the site
  • If the lesson is aligned to more than one standard, all standards the lesson is aligned to will appear
  • The Description of Expectation column will show for Description
  • When printing a list of lessons and selecting "With Standards", lessons aligned to any standard will pull to the list.
  • We will show all standards types related to the lesson
    • In Key, show ELA Standard symbol before SEL standard symbol (i.e. CASEL)
    • If a lesson aligns to more than one standard type
      • On Lesson List, display ELA standards symbol before SEL (i.e. CASEL) standards symbol
      • On Main Display
        • Display ELA standards symbol before SEL (i.e. CASEL) standards symbol next to lesson Name
        • Next to Mark as IEP Box, display ELA standards name above SEL standards symbol

Progress Report


  • Once "Learning Standards" has been selected, the ELA Standards will appear under View Details
  • The heading for the section should be the standards name
  • Under this heading, display the following fields:
    • Curriculum Area
    • Standard ID
    • Standard
    • Sub-Standard (if applicable)
    • Grade
    • Description
    • Rationale

Business Rules

  • Any lesson aligned to a standard for the student's grade level will display the standards information under View Details
    • We will only show the grade the student is assigned to. Meaning, if a lesson aligns to standards for grades 3, 4, and 5, and the student is in Grade 3, we will only show the standard for grade 3.
  • If a lesson is aligned to both an ELA standard AND a SEL Standard, the SEL Standards will fall below the ELA Standards (see image)