Resolving Appointments Rejected by HHAeXchange For Caregiver.
Please read steps below to learn how to resolve appointments with Rejected EVV Status. Please note that appointments need to be reapproved Appointment List > EVV Billing View > Actions > [Approve for EVV].
After the user takes the require action on the rejected reasons, user needs to resend the appointment to HHAexchange
Select the appointment(s) to be transmitted to HHAexchange by checking the checkboxes in the first column.
Click on the ‘Actions’ button and select Approve for EVV. The EVV Status of the selected Appointments will be updated to Approved.
If you encounter a Rejected Reason that is not in the list below then please reach out to
Caregiver Error Message
Error Code | Rejected Reason | Action |
102001 | Provider Tax ID is required | If the Tax ID is missing review to ensure the correct Tax ID is included under Tax ID. Navigate to Settings>Basic Information>Federal Tax Id |
102002 | Provider is not found based on Provider Tax ID | Review to ensure correct Tax ID is added Navigate to Settings>Basic Information>Federal Tax Id |
102003 | Provider is not active | Ensure that the Tax ID entered is Active. Navigate to Settings>Basic Information>Federal Tax Id |
102004 |
Invalid Provider Tax ID format | Review to ensure that Tax ID only contains numeric values with no special characters in a required format. If it’s not in the required format, please make the changes. Navigate to Settings>Basic Information>Federal Tax Id Format: 999999999 |
102005 | Invalid Qualifier value | Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. |
102006 | Multiple Caregiver records found based on Qualifier value. Please provide unique identifier | Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. |
102007 | Unique Caregiver identifier in the external system is required | Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. |
102010 | Caregiver's Date of Birth is required | Review to ensure Date of Birth is entered for the Staff. Date of birth should be correct format (MM/DD/YYYY) Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Date of Birth |
102011 | Caregiver's Date of Birth value should be less than current date | Review and ensure the Caregiver's Date of Birth should not be used as a date in the future & should be less than the current date. Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Date of Birth Format: (MM/DD/YYYY) |
102012 | Caregiver's Last Name is required | Review and ensure the Caregiver's Last Name is entered. Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Last Name |
102013 | Caregiver's FirstName is required | Review and ensure the Caregiver's First Name is entered. Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>First Name |
102014 | Caregiver's Gender Is required | Review and ensure to include the Caregiver’s Gender Navigate to Staff Profile>Attributes>Gender |
102015 |
Invalid Caregiver's Gender value | Review and ensure the Caregiver's has correct Gender include Navigate to Staff Profile>Attributes>Gender |
102016 |
Invalid Caregiver's Email Format | Review and ensure the Caregiver's email data is added in the correct format. Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Email Format: |
102017 |
Invalid Caregiver's Phone Number Format | Ensure to add phone number data is in the required format without any special characters (Format – 9898878776) Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Phone Number |
102018 | Caregiver's Type is required | Please reach out to Rethink support |
102019 | Invalid Caregiver's Type value | Please reach out to Rethink support |
102020 | You cannot change the type of a Caregiver that has been previously assigned to a visit. | Please reach out to Rethink support |
102021 | Caregiver's Professional License Number is required | Review and ensure that Caregiver's Professional License Number is included Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Medicaid ID |
102022 | Caregiver's Hire Date is required | Please reach out to Rethink support |
102023 | State is required | Review and ensure that Caregiver's State is included as NJ Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>NJ |
102024 | Zip Code is required | Review and ensure that Caregiver's Zip Code is added Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Zip |
102025 |
Invalid Zip Code format | Ensure to add zip code data in the required format. Make the required changes if the format is incorrect. Format - "071011111" Navigate to Staff Profile>General Information>Zip code |
102026 | Records that are created with a specific ClientID must be updated using the same ClientID | Please reach out to Rethink support |
102027 | ClientID does not have access permission to update the Provider's Caregiver record | Please reach out to Rethink support to resolve permission issue. |
102029 | Length of the External ID cannot exceed 20 characters | Please reach out to Rethink support as it may be possible that external ID exceeds 20 characters. |
102999 | Can occur if there is an interruption in service. | Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. |