Editing Skill Goal/Goals and Objectives for Prompt Settings

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

    • 1.1 Overview of Prompt Settings for Opportunity Based and Task Analysis

  • Switching Prompt Setting & Data Entry

    • 2.1 Opportunity Based: Baseline, Intervention, Maintenance

    • 2.2 Task Analysis: Baseline, Intervention, Maintenance

    • 2.3 Lesson Updates

  • View Data

    • 3.1 Opportunity Based: Graphs & Historical Data

    • 3.2 Task Analysis: Graphs & Historical Data

  • Backdating Prompt Settings

    • 4.1 Backdating and Switching Prompt Setting

  • Analyze Data, Funder Reports, and DDS

    • 5.1 Opportunity Based and Task Analysis

  • Mobile

    • 6.1 Mobile Browser and Mobile App

  • FAQ


1.1 Overview of Prompt Settings for Opportunity Based and Task Analysis

This manual guides you through managing and updating prompt settings in skill acquisition programs. Users can switch between with prompts and without prompts for opportunity-based or task-analysis data collection types and view targets or steps with raw data insights. This feature impacts View Data, Analyze Data, Funder Reports, DDS and is available on web browser, mobile browser, and mobile app.


Switching Prompt Setting & Data Entry

2.1 Opportunity Based: Baseline, Intervention, Maintenance

In any opportunity-based program, users can change the prompt settings from 'with prompts' to 'without prompts' and vice versa in edit mode of client program. This switch can occur during baseline, intervention, and maintenance for a program whether or not baseline data is bypassed. Additionally, after the switch has been made, for example from without prompts to with prompts then the UI will update the collection type label as “Opportunity Based With prompts” in data entry. If a switch has been made from with prompts to without prompts then the collection type label will state “Opportunity Based” in data entry.


Client Program: Opportunity Based Without Prompts


Client Program: Opportunity Based With Prompts




2.2 Task Analysis: Baseline, Intervention, Maintenance

In any task analysis program, users can change the prompt settings from 'with prompts' to 'without prompts' and vice versa. This switch can occur during baseline, intervention, and maintenance for all chain types (backward chain, forward chain, total task) whether or not baseline data is bypassed. Additionally, after the switch has been made, for example from without prompts to with prompts then the UI will update the collection type label as “Task Analysis With prompts” in data entry. If a switch has been made from with prompts to without prompts then the collection type label will state “Task Analysis” in data entry.







2.3 Lesson Updates

When prompt setting changes are made and saved in the client program, they are documented in Lesson Updates under ‘Note’, along with the ‘Author’ and the ‘Date Created’. This documentation is permanent and cannot be deleted by users. It applies to all skill acquisition programs, regardless of prompts or objectives. The lesson update is also visible on the mobile app version of the lesson plan in the settings area.




View Data

3.1 Opportunity Based: Graphs & Historical Data

For opportunity-based programs, once the prompt setting switch is saved and data is entered (in either baseline, intervention, or maintenance), users will be able to view updated graph in view data with the prompt setting change line displayed on the right hand side. This will display in both intervention and maintenance graphs.



In view data, users can also see the Phase Changes Table, which will display the date of the switch, the phase change type and the name of the user that made the prompt setting switch. If the switch was made from without prompts to with prompts then the phase change type will read as “Prompt Setting Change:Without to With” and vice versa



Lastly, the view details table will display either the label “without prompt” with targets for trial by trial showing the incorrect (red negative) and correct (green positive) data or the label “with prompt” with custom prompt codes showing the  incorrect (red negative) and correct (green positive), for any prompt setting switches that have been made,



3.2 Task Analysis: Graphs & Historical Data

For task analysis programs, once the prompt setting switch is saved and data is entered (in either baseline, intervention, or maintenance), users will be able to view updated graph in view data with the prompt setting change line displayed on the right hand side. This will display in both intervention and maintenance graphs.


In view data, users can also see the Phase Changes Table, which will display the date of the switch, the phase change type and the name of the user that made the prompt setting switch. If the switch was made from without prompts to with prompts then the phase change type will read as “Prompt Setting Change:Without to With” and vice versa


The step detail graph will display any prompt setting switches that have been made as the legend will display all color codings for with and without prompt settings.


Lastly, the view details table will display either the label “without prompt” or “with prompt” for any prompt setting switches that have been made,


Backdating Prompt Settings

4.1 Backdating and Switching Prompt Setting

Users can change prompt settings ('with prompt' or 'without prompt') on any date and backdate data points before the prompt setting switch. This applies to baseline, intervention, probe, and maintenance data for both Opportunity Based and Task Analysis data collection types. A confirmation message ("Please confirm you have entered all previous data and are ready to change your settings?") will prompt users to ensure all previous data is entered before saving changes.



Analyze Data, Funder Reports, and DDS

5.1 Opportunity Based and Task Analysis

When prompt settings are changed, these changes will be reflected in the Analyze Data, Funder Reports, Data Entry DDS and the Session Notes DDS.

For both Task Analysis and Opportunity Based programs, prompt setting changes will be shown in graph updates, including autophase change lines and labels, color coding in steps graphs, and updates to graph legends.





In Funder reports, opportunity-based programs, autophase change lines will be displayed on the graph, indicating the switch between "with prompts" and "without prompts." For task analysis programs, similar changes will be displayed, including updates to the steps graph label, color coding, and legend to accurately reflect the new prompt settings.





6.1 Mobile Browser and Mobile App

In both the mobile browser and app, prompt setting changes for opportunity-based and task analysis data types sync with updates on the web browser. The mobile browser is responsive across Client Program, View Data Graphing, View Data Details, Data Entry, Analyze Data, and Funder Reports when adjusting these settings. Additionally, changes made on the web to prompt settings are accurately reflected on the mobile app, maintaining consistency in Client Program, Data Entry, Details, and Graphs, including Autophase Change Lines and updated legends and color coding.


MOBILE APP Opportunity Based







MOBILE APP Task Analysis








Q1: How can I switch prompt settings in my skill acquisition program?

A: To switch between "with prompts" and "without prompts" in your skill acquisition program, navigate to the Client Program area and locate the prompt settings section. Choose your desired setting (with or without prompts) and save the changes. This switch can be applied to both Opportunity Based and Task Analysis data collection types.

Q2: What happens if I backdate data after switching prompt settings?

A: You can backdate data entries even after switching prompt settings. Ensure all previous data is entered before saving changes. The system will allow you to switch back to the original prompt setting for the specific date entered, whether it was "with prompts" or "without prompts." This applies to baseline, intervention, probe, and maintenance data.

Q3: How are prompt setting changes reflected in graphs and reports?

A: Prompt setting changes are automatically reflected in graphs and reports across Analyze Data and Funder Reports. In both Opportunity Based and Task Analysis programs, graphs will display Autophase Change Lines and updated legends with color coding to indicate changes from "with prompts" to "without prompts" and vice versa. This ensures accurate data representation across different phases and data entry types.

Q4: Is the mobile experience consistent with web updates for prompt settings?

A: Yes, changes made to prompt settings on the web browser will synchronize seamlessly with the mobile app. Whether you are using the mobile browser or app, adjustments made to prompt settings in Client Program, View Data, Data Entry, Analyze Data, and Funder Reports will be responsive and reflect accurately, including Autophase Change Lines and updated graph legends.