Internal Only: Intensity/Severity Rating Phase 1 for Behaviors (Jrich toggle turned off)

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

    • 1.1 Overview of Intensity Rating

    • 1.2 Jrich Toggle Off

  • Behavior Support

    • 2.1 Step 1: Data Collection Type Selection

    • 2.2 Step 5: Tracking Effectiveness

    • 2.3 Editing Intensity Levels after Data is Entered

  • Data Entry

    • 3.1 Data Entry and Behavior Support: Disabled Fields and DDS (Daily Data Summary)

  • View Data

    • 4.1 View Data and Graph Details

    • 4.2 Frequency/Duration + Intensity Mastery Criteria

  • Analyze Data and Funder Reports

    • 5.1 Analyze Data and Funder Reports Intensity Ratings

    • 5.2 Funder Reports for Intensity Ratings

  • Mobile

    • 6.1 Mobile Browser

    • 6.2 Mobile App

  • FAQ


1.1 Overview of Intensity Rating

This manual guides users through setting up and utilizing intensity ratings in behavior support. Intensity ratings apply to both frequency and duration data collection types, and will affect areas including data entry, view data, analyze data and funder reports. This feature is available on web browser, mobile browser, and mobile app.

1.2 Jrich Toggle Off

There is an option to turn on/off the intensity rating scale feature to prevent users from creating behaviors with intensity level tracking. This is to minimize support issues with the phase 1 release. Initially, this feature will be hidden by default, with the option unchecked. Potential support issues include the inability to enter or delete baseline, intervention, or ABC data on the web, unmaster objectives, switch from baseline to intervention, review details/raw data, add phase change lines, access view data for draft data, and backdate data. This option will be removed after the phase 2 release.




Behavior Support

2.1 Step 1: Data Collection Type Selection

In Step 1 of behavior support, users can now define intensity levels for behavior tracking both duration and frequency data collection types. After selecting the ‘Yes’ toggle to the question “Would you like to track intensity?”, intensity levels can be customized.



Frequency and Intensity : Step 1 Yes toggle


Some customization options include:

  • enter in a minimum of 2 intensity levels

  • adding maximum of 5 intensity levels by clicking the + Add new level icon

  • rearrange levels using the purple arrows if needed

  • delete any of the levels when setting up a behavior by clicking on the trash icon


2.2 Step 5: Tracking Effectiveness

In Step 5 of behavior support, users can integrate intensity ratings selected in Step 1—whether frequency + intensity or duration + intensity—into both goals only and goal and objective statements before data collection. Current functionalities remain unchanged post-data entry, including editing behaviors, archiving/unarchiving, copying programs, and custom domain tagging. Automastery is automatically enabled for goals only and goals and objectives intensity data types, ensuring tracking accuracy. Mastery criteria levels for goals and objectives are structured hierarchically based on intensity levels defined in Step 1.





2.3 Editing Intensity Levels After Data is Entered

In behavior support, users can edit intensity level descriptions even after entering baseline/intervention data. When accessing Step 1 and clicking "edit," users are allowed to modify intensity level descriptions. However, once data collection begins, the order of intensity levels becomes locked, preventing users from rearranging them, deleting existing levels, or adding new ones. This ensures consistency and integrity in data interpretation and analysis throughout the behavior support process.

Data Entry

3.1 Data Entry and Behavior Support: Disabled Fields and DDS (Daily Data Summary)

When users are viewing programs with intensity levels in both the web browser and mobile browser, there will be several disabled features to distinguish mobile app-only accessibility. In the web/mobile browser's view plan, the "Record Data" tab is greyed out with a hover message prompting users to log into the mobile app for data recording. Similarly, the "View Data" tab is disabled with a message advising users to navigate to the analyze data tab for viewing data. In data entry, all behavior support programs with intensity levels appear greyed out, accompanied by a hover message instructing users to log into the mobile app for data recording.

Additionally, when exporting Daily Data Summaries (DDS) including frequency or duration + intensity, the exported data will encompass all relevant entries from the specified date range. Users can add the phase change line to the intensity behavior program it will be displayed on the graph in analyze data. Additionally, users accessing the ABC Data Log can view behavior data for both frequency or duration + intensity in analyze data.

NOTE: Please see section 6.2 Mobile App to learn more about utilizing Data Entry.



View Data

4.1 View Data and Graph Details

Frequency + Intensity Graphing

When frequency + intensity data is entered and synced, the X-axis in Analyze Data will default to the mastery criteria setting defined in Step 5 of behavior support (sessions, days, weeks, months). The Y-axis will display times/level. Users can change graph display options to show total frequency, average frequency, # per hour, or # per minute. Legends will show baseline, behavior plan name, phase change line, intensity levels, and total frequency, with color-coded intensity levels.

Duration + Intensity Graphing

For duration + intensity data, the X-axis defaults to the mastery criteria setting (sessions, days, weeks, months), and the Y-axis will display total minutes/level. Users can change graph display options to show average minutes per occurrence or total minutes. Legends will include baseline, behavior plan name, phase change line, intensity levels, and total duration, with color-coded intensity levels.

Legend Requirements

In both frequency + intensity and duration + intensity graphs, legends will show icons for baseline, behavior plan name, phase change line, intensity levels (color-coded), and total frequency or duration. Intensity levels are color-coded with a maximum of 5 levels.

Line Graph and Color Coding

Each level's total frequency or duration will be graphed as a line graph with color-coded data paths. Levels 1 to 5 are color-coded as blue, red, yellow, green, and light purple, respectively, while total frequency or duration is shown in pink.

Data Point Hover Details

Hovering over data points will show details such as occurrence times or minutes for each level. If no data is entered for a level, it will be graphed as 0. If no data is entered at all, the behavior will be graphed as 0 based on the mobile app settings.


4.2 Frequency/Duration + Intensity Mastery Criteria

When setting up behavior goals with frequency + intensity or duration + intensity, mastery criteria will be triggered only when both criteria are met, ensuring accuracy in data collection. Automastery is enabled by default, meaning goals and objectives will automatically master when criteria are met. For users with automastery turned off, notifications will prompt manual mastery. In both cases, mobile app functionality supports these processes, reflecting mastery changes and allowing continued data collection as needed. The hierarchy of intensity levels set in Step 1 is maintained throughout, providing consistent mastery options across goals and objectives.

Analyze Data and Funder Reports


5.1 Analyze Data Intensity Ratings

Users can view and analyze intensity levels for both frequency and duration data in the Analyze Data section.

Duration + Intensity:

When duration + intensity data is entered and synced, the X-axis in Analyze Data will default to the mastery criteria setting defined in Step 5 of behavior support (sessions, days, weeks, months). The Y-axis will display total minutes/level. Both duration and intensity will be graphed together, showing baseline and intervention data with phase change lines as applicable. Filters for display options (e.g., trial set, day, week, month, year) and export options (CSV, Excel, Graph Image, PDF) are available. Legends will show icons for baseline, behavior plan name, phase change line, and color-coded intensity levels.




Frequency + Intensity:

Similarly, for frequency + intensity data, the X-axis will default to the mastery criteria setting (sessions, days, weeks, months), and the Y-axis will display times/level. Both frequency and intensity will be graphed together, including baseline and intervention data with phase change lines. Display options and export options are available, and the legend will display baseline, behavior plan name, phase change line, and color-coded intensity levels. Users can view detailed session data, including occurrence details and total counts.


5.2 Funder Reports for Intensity Ratings

When running a funder report with behavior reduction progress fields, BCBA users will see behavior reduction progress graphs and details for goals with frequency + intensity or duration + intensity.

Aggregate Data Filter:

The aggregate data filter in the funder report includes all field options for the new data collection types, defaulting to view by day and total, with all baseline points checked.

Recommended Behaviors:

Recommended behaviors will display goals and objectives from Step 5 of behavior support.

Baseline Fields:

Baseline fields in the reports will show baseline details for both frequency and intensity, or duration and intensity, including average intensity levels for multiple baseline points.

Graph Options:

Graphs will display with customizable options (e.g., trial set, day, week, month), and legends will include baseline, plan name, intensity levels, and total frequency or duration. The X-axis will default to days, and the Y-axis will default to times/level for frequency or total minutes/level for duration.




6.1 Mobile Browser

The mobile browser offers the same functionality as the web browser for managing frequency + intensity and duration + intensity programs. Users can enter and edit data in Step 1 and Step 5 of behavior support. During data entry, intensity programs are grayed out with an information hover indicating the need to log into the mobile app for data recording. All action button options available on the web, such as adding phase change lines, DDS, and ABC data logs are accessible.

Analyze Data and Funder Reports functionalities are fully supported in the mobile browser. Users can analyze data and generate reports with the same capabilities and interface consistency as the web browser


6.2 Mobile App

When using the mobile app, users can enter frequency/intensity and duration/intensity data under behavior reduction for behaviors set up on the website. The app supports updates to the Behavior Support Plan, including goals and objectives, behavior data and data details, and graphing frequency/duration + rating scale on a single graph. This ensures that all data entry and analysis features available on the web are also accessible on the mobile app.





  1. What is the Intensity Rating feature?
    The Intensity Rating feature allows users to track intensity levels for behaviors, applied to both frequency and duration data collection types. This feature impacts data entry, view data, analyze data, and funder reports.

  2. Can I turn off the Intensity Rating feature?
    Yes, there is an option to turn off the Intensity Rating feature to prevent users from creating behaviors with intensity level tracking. This option minimizes support issues with the phase 1 release and will be removed after the phase 2 release.

  3. How do I define intensity levels for behavior tracking?
    In Step 1 of behavior support, after selecting the data collection type (frequency or duration), you can define and customize intensity levels by selecting the 'Yes' toggle for tracking intensity.

  4. Can I edit intensity levels after entering baseline/intervention data?
    Yes, users can edit intensity level descriptions even after entering baseline/intervention data. However, once data collection begins, the order of intensity levels becomes locked, preventing rearrangement, deletion, or addition of new levels.

  5. Why are some fields disabled in the web and mobile browsers?
    In the web and mobile browsers, certain features are disabled to distinguish mobile app-only accessibility. Users are prompted to log into the mobile app for data recording, viewing, and exporting.

  6. How are intensity levels displayed in Analyze Data?
    Intensity levels for both frequency and duration data are displayed in Analyze Data with default X and Y axes based on the mastery criteria settings. Graphs include baseline and intervention data with phase change lines, and legends show icons for baseline, behavior plan name, phase change line, and color-coded intensity levels.

  7. What information is included in funder reports for intensity ratings?
    Funder reports for behavior reduction progress fields display graphs and details for goals with frequency + intensity or duration + intensity. Baseline fields show average intensity levels, and graphs have customizable options for display.

  8. Is the Intensity Rating feature available on mobile devices?
    Yes, the mobile browser and mobile app offer the same functionality as the web browser for managing frequency + intensity and duration + intensity programs, including data entry, analyze data, and generating funder reports.

  9. What will Phase 2 of Intensity Rating include?

Phase 2 of intensity rating will incude the following browser functionality for intensity rating: view data, deleting data, advanced session details in analyze data. In addition, the mobile app will include enhancements to Intensity rating graphs and occurrence details for frequency + intensty and duration + intensity.