Adding Trend Lines in View Data & Analyze Data

New Feature! Users can add/remove a trend line when analyzing data in both View Data and Analyze Data.

This is a comprehensive guide for BCBAs on utilizing trend lines in Rethink for skills and behaviors. Follow the steps outlined to efficiently add, remove, and export trend lines, ensuring a robust analysis of data.

What is a trend? A trend relates to the overall direction of the data path on a graph. We typically label trends as increasing, decreasing, or zero. Adding a trend line can assist a BCBA in determining if interventions are successful or if changes are needed.

Table of Contents

  1. Adding/Removing a Trend Line in View & Analyze Data for Skills

  2. Adding/Removing a Trend Line in View & Analyze Data for Behaviors

  3. Adding a Trend Line and Generating Export in View Data and Analyze Data


1.Adding/Removing a Trend Line in View & Analyze Data for Skills:







View Data & Analyze Data for Skill Aquisition Programs






  • As a BCBA, I need to have the ability to add or remove a trend line from a graph in view data for all skill acquisition programs. This option will be shown above all graph types.

View Data


Customize Drop Down Option to Add a Trend Line

  • When users have access to view data from both the client program area or from the data entry page and they have access to baseline, intervention or maintenance graphs for any skill accquisition program, they will see a customize option above the graph. This is where a trend line can be added.



Trend Line Requirements in View & Analyze Data for Skills:







Data Entry and View Data/Analyze Data

In order to add a trend line on a skill acquisition graph there is a minimum requirement of 3 data points.

If less than 3 data points are entered on the graph, the trend line option will be disabled.



In view data, there is a tool tip to let the user know what the data point requirement is in order to add a trend line.

The tool tip states “To add a trend line, a minimum of 3 data points is required”.

Options for Displaying Trend Lines in View & Analyze Data for Skills:







View & Analyze Data for Skills

When the user clicks on the customize option, they will have 2 options.

Users can only select one option at a time.

Customize Drop Down For Trend Lines in View Data and Analyze Data


  1. To add a trend line across all phases of data (within the date range entered)

  2. To add a trend line within each phase (within the date range entered).


Adding a trend line in View Data and Analyze Data

To add a trend line with one of the options, the user will check the check box.


Removing a trend line in View Data and Analyze Data

To remove a trend line from the graph, the user will uncheck the checkbox.


Calculation of Trend Lines

When calculating the trend line with either option, across all phases or within each phase, the system will use the following calcuation for the trend line:

y = mx + b


Additional enhancements added to view data with trend lines







View Data Pop Up

  • Increased size of pop up to make the user experience more efficient.


Date Range on View Data Pop Up (top of pop up)

  • Date range to select a start and end date to view data


Default for data points shown within view data

  • The date range of data shown in View Data has been changed to display the last 60 calendar days with data points shown.

  • This is to assist with adding a trend line to view data if a significant amount of data has been entered for a specific skill/behavior.

  • The date range can be changed at any point in time and trend lines can be added

  • If a user is viewing view data with no data entered within the last 60 days, they will receive the following messaging.

    • “No data has been collected on this program in the last 60 days, in order to view data, please edit the date range.”


Combination and Target Specific Graphs with Trend Lines (SKILLS ONLY)







Combination Graphs and Trend Lines in View Data and Analyze Data

As a user, I can add a trend line to any combination graph with 3 or more data point entered.

  • As a user, I will have the customize options of:

    • To add a trend line across all phases of data or To add a trend line within each phase.

    • Only one option can be applied at a time

Target Specific Graphs and Trend Lines in View Data and Analyze Data

  • As a user, I can add a trend line to target specific graphs to view a trend line on a baseline graph and/or a specific target progress graph.

  1. As a user, I will have the customize options of:

    • To add a trend line across all phases of data or To add a trend line within each phase.

      • Only one option can be applied at a time


      • When adding a trend line to target specific graphs, the trend lines will be applied to all target specific graphs selected.



Using Custom Graph displays in Analyze Data with Skills







Analyze Data with Skills

When using custom graph displays in analyze data, users will be able to set the custom option and then add a trend line.

Display by Trial Set, Day, Week, Month, Year

Custom Display by Data Collection Type: Total, Average, #/Hour, #/Min,


2.Adding/Removing a Trend Line in View & Analyze Data for Behaviors







View Data and Analyze Data for Behavior Reduction Programs

  • As a BCBA, I need to have the ability to add or remove a trend line from a graph in view data for all behavior reduction programs. This option will be shown above all graph types.


Customize Drop Down Option to Add a Trend Line

  • When users have access to view data from both the behavior support area or from the data entry page and they have access to baseline, or intervention data for a behavior reduction program, they will see a customize option above the graph. This is where a trend line can be added.



Trend Line Requirements in View & Analyze Data for Behaviors:







Data Entry and View Data and Analyze Data

In order to add a trend line on a behavior reduction graph there is a minimum requirement of 3 data points.

If less than 3 data points are entered on the graph, the trend line option will be disabled.


View Data and Analyze Data Customize Drop Down

In view data, there is a tool tip to let the user know what the data point requirement is for enabling a trend line.

The tool tip states “To add a trend line, a minimum of 3 data points is required”.

Options for Displaying Trend Lines in View & Analyze Data for Behaviors:







View Data & Analyze Data for Behaviors

When the user clicks on the customize option, they will have 2 options.

Users can only select one option at a time.


Customize Drop Down For Trend Lines


  1. To add a trend line across all phases of data (within the date range entered)

  2. To add a trend line within each phase (within the date range entered).




Adding a trend line

To add a trend line with one of the options, the user will check the check box.


Removing a trend line

To remove a trend line from the graph, the user will uncheck the checkbox.


Additional enhancements added to view data with trend lines for behaviors







View Data Pop Up

  • Increased size of pop up to make the user experience more efficient.


Date Range on View Data Pop Up (top of pop up)

  • Date range to select a start and end date to view data


Default for data points shown within view data

  • The date range of data shown in View Data has been changed to display the last 60 calendar days with data points shown.

  • This is to assist with adding a trend line to view data if a significant amount of data has been entered for a specific skill/behavior.

  • The date range can be changed at any point in time and trend lines can be added.

  • If a user is viewing view data with no data entered within the last 60 days, they will receive the following messaging.

    • “No data has been collected on this program in the last 60 days, in order to view data, please edit the date range.”


Using Custom Graph displays in Analyze Data with Behaviors







Analyze Data with Behaviors

When using custom graph displays in analyze data with behaviors, users will be able to set the custom option and then add a trend line.

Display by Trial Set, Day, Week, Month, Year

Custom Display by Data Collection Type: Total, Average, Rate/Hour, Rate/Min, Etc.


3.Adding a Trend Line and Generating Export in View Data and Analyze Data







Skills in View Data

As a user, when adding trend lines to a skill graph in view data, the image can be printed or exported from view data:

Printed from view data:

Users will have the option to print the Data and Graph which will have the trend line shown line shown on the image.

Export Graph Image Button will export the image as a PNG image with the trend line shown on the image.


Print Data & Graph (PDF)

Export Graph Image (PNG)


Behaviors in View Data

As a user, when adding trend lines to a behavior graph in view data, the image can be viewed as a full screen image

As a user, when adding trend lines to a behavior graph in view data, the image can be printed by clicking on the print chart option.

As a user, when adding trend lines to a behavior graph in view data and click on any of teh download option the image will be exported as one of the following: PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG.

View as a FULL screen Image:

View as a Full Screen Image:

Print Option



Skills and Behaviors in Analyze Data and Exports

As a user, when adding trend lines to a skill or behavior graph in analyze dat, the image can be exported with any of the existing export/print options available.

Once exported, the image will be shown with the trend line displayed as it is shown in Analyze data.






FAQs on Trend Lines

Q: Where in Rethink can I add a trend line to my data?

A: You can add a trend line in view data and analyze for skills and behaviors

Q: What are the different options for adding a trend line to a skill or behavior graph?

A: In view data and analyze data, users can add a trend line across all phases or within each phase.

Q: Is there a minimum requirement to add a trend line?

A: Yes, there is a minumum requirement of 3 data points in order to add a trend line.

Q: What types of graphs can I add trend lines?

A: In View data, you can add trend lines to skill acquisition combination graphs, target specific graphs, maintenance and behavior reduction graphs. In Analyze data, you can add trend lines to skill acquisition combination graphs, target speific graphs, maintenance graphs, skill acquisition & behavior reduction graphs by sesssion, day, week, month, and year.

Q: Can you export your graph images with trend lines on them?

A: Yes, after adding a trend line in both view data and analyze, you are able to export the images and the graphs will be saved with the trend lines shown.

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